Are you looking to channel your inner arsonist in Lords of the Fallen? Ready to turn your foes into ash? Then we have the perfect guide for you to achieve your fiery goal. Here we will list down all the best blazing weapons in Lords of the Fallen for all you Inferno players out there.
The ideal Inferno weapon must obviously have insane scaling with the INF attribute. Furthermore, it must have the much-needed fire-starter capabilities to set any enemy ablaze.
1. Queen’s Head Hammer

Stat Requirement | Strength: 26 Inferno: 26 |
Starting Level Scaling | Strength: C- Inferno: C- |
+10 Level Scaling | Strength: A- Inferno: B+ |
Status Effects | None |
Damage Type | Physical Fire |
Max Rune Slots | 3 |
Rune Slots | Slot 1: INF Slot 2: STR Slot 3: ALL |
This is the only Grand Hammer for any Inferno build who wants to bonk any who stands in their way. It is for STR/INF hybrid builds with even stat requirements to equip it. The weapon does have lower scaling with INF compared to STR as you upgrade it, but the damage output for both physical and fire stays the same.
Speaking of fire, this weapon deals fire damage. Not only does this mean you will be burning regular enemies, but those who are weaker to fire damage won’t stand a chance when facing this whacking machine.
The Grand Hammer moveset is grand too. The charged heavy attack closes distances to enemies allowing you to safely initiate attacks. Not to mention, flimsier foes will be flattened by the overhead attacks of this weapon giving you ample time to put an end to their misery as they recover.
The weapon can be bought after you have defeated Sundered Monarch and presented his Remembrance to Molhu in Skyrest Bridge.
2. Right/Left-hand Lightreaper Sword

Stat Requirement | Agility: 13 Inferno: 13 |
Starting Level Scaling | Agility: C Inferno: C |
+5 (Both) Level Scaling | Agility: A Inferno: A |
Status Effects | None |
Damage Type | Physical Fire |
Max Rune Slots | 3 |
Rune Slots | Slot 1: INF Slot 2: INF Slot 3: META |
If speed is more up your alley and you want to become a blazing blender then these two shortswords in each hand are the right pick for you. These twin swords are acquired after defeating Lightreaper and giving his Remembrance to Molhu in Skyrest Bridge, you can purchase them later on.
These are two separate weapons so you must equip them to each hand to take advantage of their special attack. And you only need to upgrade each to the +5 level not the standard +10.
These weapons are for AGI/INF hybrid builds, and the stat requirements aren’t too high. They have all the basics of an Inferno weapon covered. They deal an even number of physical and fire damage, but sadly no status effects.
Additionally, the dual-wield shortsword combo chains together incredibly fast giving little time for enemies to take a breather from all those burn wounds.
Now comes the pièce de résistance; the weapon also has a special attack which is a rare occurrence in Lords of the Fallen. Once you have fully upgraded the weapon, at the end of the power-stance combo, these swords send out a projectile that deals fire damage. The shorter reach of the weapon is compensated by this long-range ability.
3. Bloodlust

Stat Requirement | Agility: 13 Inferno: 13 |
Starting Level Scaling | Agility: C Inferno: C |
+10 Level Scaling | Agility: A- Inferno: A- |
Status Effects | Bleed: 60 Burn: 60 |
Damage Type | Physical Fire |
Max Rune Slots | 3 |
Rune Slots | Slot 1: INF Slot 2: AGI Slot 3: INF |
Before we dive into the weapon, you can get it from a chest right after vanquishing Crimson Rector Percival in Fitzroy’s Gorge. Again, this is an AGI/INF hybrid build weapon with comfortable attributes requirements. This weapon can be dual-wielded with other Inferno weapons for even more oomph.
It has everything, good scaling with INF and AGI, deals fire damage, a fast shortsword moveset, fire and physical damage, and has a nice set of rune slots to take advantage of its Inferno properties.
Where this weapon truly shines is the power to apply two very strong status effects; Bleed and Burn. Bleed does certain burst damage when proc’d and makes the affected enemy vulnerable to any subsequent physical damage until it wears off. Burn does tick damage over time.
This results in enemies getting huge chunks of their health blown off by Bleed while your next attacks deal even more damage all the while their health keeps dwindling away even from Burn when you are recovering your stamina.
To top it off, the weapon also restores your health when an enemy is killed with it. What more do you want?
4. Grinning Axe

Stat Requirement | Inferno: 17 |
Starting Level Scaling | Inferno: B- |
+10 Level Scaling | Inferno: S |
Status Effects | Burn: 80 Ignite: 80 |
Damage Type | Physical Fire Wither |
Max Rune Slots | 3 |
Rune Slots | Slot 1: INF Slot 2: INF Slot 3: ALL |
Finally, a pure Inferno weapon, and a wild one at that. The weapon not only looks outlandish but functions just as crazy.
It starts off with a nice B-scaling with INF and reaches a whopping S scaling when fully upgraded, and it doesn’t even require that much stats to equip. It deals physical, fire, and handy wither damage. You can grab it from a chest in Bramis Castle.
Unlike the previous weapon, the two status effects of this weapon are fire-based; Burn and Ignite. Burn we have explained before. Ignite, when applied, causes an explosion that can hurt nearby enemies while rendering the afflicted enemy vulnerable to fire damage for its duration.
Since the weapon already deals fire damage, when Ignite is applied, your normal attack’s damage numbers will automatically go up. For a fast weapon, you’ll be dealing a ton of damage in mere instances. This weapon pairs really well with the Bloodlust.
5. Fallen Lord’s Sword

Stat Requirement | Inferno: 30 |
Starting Level Scaling | Inferno: C+ |
+10 Level Scaling | Inferno: A+ |
Status Effects | Ignite: 300 |
Damage Type | Physical Fire |
Max Rune Slots | 3 |
Rune Slots | Slot 1: INF Slot 2: INF Slot 3: INF |
The Fallen Lord’s Sword only requires INF to equip, has A+ scaling when upgraded, a good spread of physical/fire damage, and the Grand Sword moveset will take out groups of enemies with its sweeping strikes and send them flying with its charged attacks. Even the hitbox of this weapon category is downright busted.
With formalities out of the way, let us get down to the explosive business. If you read the table above, yes, this weapon inflicts a mind-boggling 300 Ignite with each strike.
We have already mentioned the beauty of this status effect, but the 300 number means you’ll be applying it in literally two to three strikes. The whole screen will be filled with blasts.
The quick detonations will harm other enemies and the fire damage from your normal attacks will keep them seared to lethal perfection. You can even compound the fiery outcome with three INF Runes you can slot into this weapon.
You can pry this weapon off a corpse in Lower Calrath. Late-game Inferno builds should desperately seek out this weapon.
These were some of the best inferno weapons in Lords of the Fallen that will turn any who defy you into cinders. Inferno has weapons with special abilities that are no joke, and even the most resistant of enemies will burn to a crisp from your rage.