Crossbreed Priscilla is the boss at the end of the Painted World in Dark Souls Remastered. This dragon-human hybrid needs to be fought to come to a conclusion about this enchanted land.
Although she seems lovely but once you trigger her, she uses her unique skills and deadly weapon to cut you down, and you’ll never know what killed you. Read the boss guide to get your answers and how to deal with this snow queen.
Fighting Crossbreed Priscilla in Dark Souls Remastered
When you enter the arena, you’ll witness a giant white-furred lady with a supersized scythe in her hand. Crossbreed Priscilla won’t immediately turn aggressive like other bosses in Dark Souls Remastered.
Instead, you can walk up to her and chat briefly where she politely asks you to leave. She will remain passive even after her dialogue is over.
You can take this time to move around her and examine her model. She is covered with a fur dress, scales on her back, and a small tail behind her. She is, in fact, a dragon hybrid, with Seath the Scaleless being her father.
If you want, you can go past her, towards the outside ledge, and you’ll be sent back to Anor Londo without confronting her.

You have to attack her to trigger the boss fight. As soon as you do that, a snowstorm will encircle the area, and she will disappear. Keep your guard up since she didn’t run away but went invisible. Initially, you won’t see any boss health bar to make things more confusing.
She will roam the arena invisibly and try to cut you with her scythe. Her movement is revealed through footsteps over the snow on the ground. By looking at her movement and anticipating her attacks, once you have dealt enough damage to her, she will reappear with her health bar visible.
Besides the vanishing act, she is a simple boss with only a handful of attacks to look for. Regular scythe swipes, although her weapon deals Bleed build-up. Additionally, she has a snow breath attack, which can be troublesome if caught in it.
The only ace up her sleeve is her ability to go invisible. This makes it harder to track her and react to her attacks. Otherwise, you are looking at a straightforward boss fight if you know what’s happening.
Here are some things to consider when facing Crossbreed Priscilla in Dark Souls Remastered:
- If she is provoked, you can no longer exit the Painted World. You will have to defeat her to leave this location.
- She is weak to both Fire and Lightning damage.
- You can sever her tail to get Priscilla’s Dagger.
- Her overall HP is relatively low, so if you miss landing hits on her tail, she will probably die before you cut the tail and obtain the reward.
- If you do enough poise damage to stagger her, she will become visible.
- Her scythe attacks cause Bleed to build up, so be careful not to let it proc, or else you’ll lose a bunch of HP instantly.
- Instigating her is considered a Sin. You can absolve yourself through Oswald of Carim to turn her back to being passive. It is a good strategy if you want to sever her tail in one shot and still get to visit the Painted World and might even use it as an invasion zone.
- Poison or Toxic has a visual effect (gree or purple fumes) that could help you track her while she is invisible.
- If you want to get Priscilla’s Dagger, you must prioritize her tail when she is passive:
- If you free aim, a single Great Chaos Fireball pyromancy is enough to break her tail and get the daggers.
- While two-handed and buffed with lightning and Power Within, a sweeping weapon like Great Scythe can sever her tail in a single attack.
Boss Strategy

When facing Crossbreed Priscilla, take advantage of her neutral stance at the start, giving you the chance to land the first blow. Make it count by moving into position before engaging. Aim for her tail initially for a shot at the reward; you’ll get a few free hits in before she retaliates.
Once she’s hostile, Priscilla will go invisible. Don’t worry; her footprints will still be visible in the snow. Track them carefully to find her location and strike. She’ll break out of invisibility when staggered, which you can achieve with a few solid hits.
While invisible, it’s hard to tell her next move, making dodging a real challenge. Most shields should handle her attacks, but your best move is to go on the offense and stagger her. Once you find her, don’t just spam attacks; instead, hit once or twice, then quickly roll back and prepare to block. Her scythe attacks can be brutal, causing bleed buildup and dealing heavy damage.

For this fight, a lightning-based spear is ideal. She’s weak to lightning, making it easier to stagger her and break her stealth, plus you can keep your shield up for extra protection. Standing in the middle can help, allowing you to spot her footprints or stay near the edge to keep her movements within view.
Try two-handing your weapon if you’re up for a more aggressive approach. As soon as you spot her footprints, roll up and hit her. A few hits should stagger her, making the rest of the fight easier. Another strategy is to block and watch her footsteps. Stand with your back to the fog gate and wait for her to hit your shield, then counterattack.

If you have Firestorm or Wrath of the Gods, use it when she goes invisible. This will stagger her and make her visible again so that you can continue the fight as usual. The Great Combustion pyromancy and Great Chaos Fireball can stagger her out of invisibility in a single shot, making her reappear instantly, and even cut her tail in one fell swoop.
You could also try hitting her with a bow. The arrow stays visible, marking her location precisely.

Crossbreed Priscilla in Dark Souls Remastered has the following attacks and we have mentioned how you must react to each:
Attack | Description | Reaction |
Scythe Swipe | She will rear her weapon and swing it horizontally. | A shield can block it, although you’ll still receive some Bleed build-up. Roll into the swing. |
Double Scythe Swipe | It is the same as before, but she chains it twice this time. Starts right to left then left to right. | Both can be blocked if you recover your stamina between swings. There is a slight delay in the two swipes so you can retreat too. |
Snow Breath | She raises her empty hand to her mouth and sends forth a cloud of “snow” that slowly travels forward on the ground. She can either blow it in a straight line in front or while sweeping horizontally. | When you see her raising her hand, back off or run behind her. There is no way to dodge the cloud or block it, you must out run it. |
Vanish | She spreads her hands to the side, and, with a flurry of snow, she goes invisible. While invisible, she chases you around and attacks with her Scythe Swipe. | She will remain invisible until she is staggered out of it. Use high poise damage attacks to reveal her. Also, keep an eye on the snow on the ground. Her footsteps will allow you to track her and attack her accordingly. |
How to Cheese Crossbreed Priscilla in Dark Souls Remastered

There is a mighty stinky cheese strategy for beating Crossbreed Priscilla without fighting her. All you need is a considerable supply of Dung Pies (20 would work) and a couple of Blooming Purple Moss Clump to cure the toxic poisoning from using the dung pies.
Enter her arena while she is passive and stand in front of her. Position yourself correctly and start throwing the Dung Pies at her; make sure they are hitting her.
Don’t worry; she won’t turn hostile. You can continue to throw them until you see a purple effect/fumes coming from her. This means she is now poisoned!
Consume a Blooming Purple Moss Clump to cure yourself, and it’s a matter of waiting now. Since her health bar won’t appear, it is impossible to know her HP status so continue standing still or do anything else you like IRL.
Soon, the toxins will devour her, and she will die without you even lifting a finger. You’ll receive all the rewards and go on your merry way.
Rewards for Defeating Crossbreed Priscilla

Slaughtering Crossbreed Priscilla will unlock the following rewards in Dark Souls Remastered:
- 30,000 Souls
- 1x Twin Humanities
- Soul of Priscilla – Pairing this soul with a +10 Scythe or Whip will ascend/unlock the Lifehunt Scythe.
- Cutting her tail will drop Priscilla’s Dagger weapon.
It feels super wrong to kill Crossbreed Priscilla in Dark Souls Remastered, and the game even recognizes it by considering it a Sin. Nevertheless, nothing should come in the middle of our fire-linking mission, and this dragon-hybrid lady wasn’t letting us leave the Painted World. And she drew her weapon first, and I only reacted!