Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is 2 years old now. While most players are eagerly waiting for the next entry into the franchise, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, others are still trying to 100% Valhalla and if you’re one of the latter, you need to seriously consider getting ahold of some mastery points in the game? But how do you get them and what are they exactly?
Max out your Skill Tree to Level 400 in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Reach Level 401 to obtain your first Mastery Point. Then, keep grinding out XP and level up to obtain further Mastery Points to invest in either the Raven, Bear, or Wolf Mastery Skill Tree.
If you’re the type to grind out objectives, missions, and stats in a videogame, then one of the objectives you should set your eyes on is to Achieve “Full Mastery”. For this, you’ll need to spend a Mastery Point to achieve it.
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Mastery Points in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Even veteran players are sometimes clueless about Mastery Points as they’re introduced to you, the player, really late in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
So, how do you get your hands on them? Well, you’ll need to 100% your skill tree in the game by unlocking all 400 abilities. Or to put it in easier terms, you’ll have to reach max level in the game. To get your hands on your first Mastery Point, level up to level 401.
Now, it’s all a smooth ride downhill here. Keep leveling up by grinding some XP. With each level you unlock, you’ll gain one Mastery Point.

Mastery Skill Trees
After you’ve unlocked everything that you can in your skill tree, you’ll be introduced to three skills at the top of the tree. Mastery Points can be spent on either Raven Mastery, Wolf Mastery, or Bear Mastery. They’re designed to boost your character’s stats.
Raven Mastery
Investing your Mastery Points in the Raven Skill tree offers you a boost in stats like assassination damage, evasion, and health. After you invest around 10 Mastery Points, your Assassination Damage goes up by 0.1 and your Evasiveness and Health by 0.2.
Wolf Mastery
Wolf Mastery offers buffs in stats like ranged damage, resistance, and health. Similar to what we’ve mentioned above, investing 10 Mastery Points increases your health by 0.2 and your ranged attack and defensive stats go up by 0.1.
Bear Mastery
The Bear Mastery Skill Tree focuses on attributes like melee damage, melee resistance, and health. Putting in a total of 10 Mastery Points buffs your HP by 0.2 and you’ll obtain a 0.1 buff in your melee attack and defensive stats.
Feast Buff

Now, this isn’t a part of the skill tree, but you’ll still have to spend some Mastery Points to get this buff. The downside of this stat is that this buff is temporary but the status effects are pretty much worth it, especially if you’re having a bad time taking out any late-game enemies or bosses.
To get this buff, ensure you have 65 Mastery Points on hand. Make your way to the entry point of the meeting spot in Ravensthorpe. There, you’ll find a bell. Ring it to lose 65 Mastery Points but get a buff in stats for 3 hours.
Feast Buff Stats
Health | +50 |
Assassination Damage | +3.0 |
Melee Damage | +3.0 |
Ranged Damage | +3.0 |
Armor | +3.0 |
In the end, it all comes down to you. You can put your Mastery Points in whatever Skill Tree you prefer in accordance with your character build.
So, grind and level up to obtain some well-earned Mastery Points and get a slight edge on your enemies in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and tune in next time for some more tips and tricks to help you on your journey as a Master Assassin!