Monster Hunter Rise offers players a plethora of playstyles along with 14 different weapons to try out. While older players are already accustomed to their choice of weapons and playstyles, new players might need someplace safe to practice until they get the hang of the game and their preference of weapon. That’s where the Training Area comes in handy.
To find the Training Area in Monster Hunter: Rise, head over to the Buddy Plaza and interact with the small boat and move it. You’ll be relocated to the Training Area where you can now experiment with numerous weapons to your heart’s content.
Quite thankfully, new players can head over to the Training area to try out all 14 weapons for free and find out which playstyle and weapon suit them the best.
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The Training Area in Monster Hunter Rise

Like all the training rooms in previous iterations of Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Rise’s training area lets players figure out the ins and outs of their choice of weaponry in a safe space.
While you might try your luck out in the open, you’ll rarely get to practice and figure out your weaponry when you spend half the time trying to keep yourself alive.
How to Find It
- So, let’s get down to business and figure out where exactly the Training Area is. First and foremost, open the map in your playthrough of them after you are done with the introduction.
- From there, locate the button that’s titled Buddy Plaza. You’ll find the Training Area over there, so fast travel to this location. Moving into this location, you’ll notice a large boat over at the dock.
- Head over to this area while you’re mounted on a Palamute. Take a quick right and move towards the smaller boat where two stone statues are found.
- You’ll be prompted with a “move” action when you hone in on the boat. Pressing this will lead players to the training area.

- Players will be introduced to a cutscene showing the ins and outs of the Training Area. When all is said and done, you can roam about the training area and do whatever you please.
- One thing to note here is that you won’t need to navigate to the Buddy Plaza and interact with the small boat to get here anymore. Just open up the map and you’ll be given the option to Fast Travel to the Training Area.
There is no need to unlock the Training Area in Monster Hunter Rise as it’s pretty much available at the start of the game. With that said, make sure to make the most of your time there.
If you’re having trouble getting used to the more intricate movements and mechanics of the game, some time in the Training Area will certainly do the trick.

And that’s pretty much all you need to know to get a head start to find the Training Area in Monster Hunter: Rise. Keep in mind, it’s not always going to be easy as you’ll have to craft items, switch up on your equipment from time to time, and tinker with numerous playstyles to find a sweet spot.