Doom Eternal is a massive game and compared to Doom 2016, there is just so much more content. One thing that Doom Eternal promised to do is double the amount of enemies that the game had, and they were very successful at completing their goal. There are 27 different enemies in the game and in …
Borderlands 3 is the game all of the Borderlands fans were asking for. The last game that 2k released was Borderlands Pre-Sequel, but in my opinion, it wasn’t as good as Borderlands 2. Since Borderlands 3 was released, it has been a success that has made many fans of BL2 happy. Not only did it …
If you have ever played Dark Souls 3, you will realize that it has a lot of content put into it. That being said, when the DLCs were finally released for the game, people were very skeptical about whether it was good. Some people thought it was better than the normal game, while others thought …