Monster Hunter is a long-running series from Capcom that quenches the thirst to go up against incredibly huge and ferocious monsters and bring them down against all odds. The distinct weapon design and gameplay have always kept this series fresh and no other franchise has been able to replicate this magic. Monster Hunter had a …
Monster Hunter: World
Being a hunter in Monster Hunter World is a jarring task. You have to combat and defeat monsters while giving it your all to become stronger. While the game features multiple methods of transportation, most of them can only be temporary. Needless to say, the charm of the game stems from such intense environments and …
ARPGs provide multiple avenues of exploration and skill expression. Whether it’s in the form of gathering resources or optimizing your build. There’s always something new to learn and experience. Getting started with learning is a slow process yet it is extremely beneficial. To get started, you need to collect your desired items. However, many of …
Armor is a vital part of any ARPG. It not only increases your defensive capabilities but also enables you to go in and fight head-on with monsters. These defensive capabilities directly translate to your survivability in boss fights. Monster Hunter World Features Items that enable you to increase the capabilities of your armor by enhancing …
When I first started to play Monster Hunter, I did not know anything about the game. All I knew is that I had to craft a weapon and kill monsters. I did not realize the huge learning curve with the different weapon types and elements. Yes, there are a ton of elements in the game, …
Monster Hunter: World is a giant game and with that comes many hours of fun for anyone who enjoys it. What is especially awesome is when a DLC releases for a giant game already that just makes the game 10 times better than it already is. That is the case with the Iceborne DLC for …
When you think about fantasy games that feature huge bosses and long fights, a couple of major games that come to mind might be Dark Souls and Monster Hunter World. Some people may say that they are very similar in the way that they are, but others say that they are not alike at all. …
Monster Hunter: World is a popular action role-playing game developed by Capcom and released in early 2018. It was the first time this series made its jump to the mainstream consoles and PC and the product took advantage of this. Despite being a few years old now, the game is still worth playing in 2023. …