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Where to Find Boars in Red Dead Redemption?

Where to Find Boars in Red Dead Redemption?

Boars are large, aggressive animals requiring hunting skills to put down in Red Dead Redemption. These mighty pigs will ram you and kill you the moment they see you, forcing you to get a jump on them rather than facing them head-on. These beasts are no slouch and are harder to find in the game. 


In this guide, we will cover everything related to Boars in Red Dead Redemption and list down all the places you can find them to ease your hunting needs. 

Boars in Red Dead Redemption

Boars in Red Dead Redemption

Boars are big wild pigs that are rarer in Red Dead Redemption. If they see you first, get ready to be headbutted out of existence since this animal is highly hostile and tough. You can expect to die with just a few bumps from these piggies. 

Boars are known to travel in packs, so if you see a group of them, your chances of survival will decrease. Occasionally, you’ll see boars attacking NPCs and their horses and killing them fast. 

However, if you manage to kill them, you’ll receive Boar Meat, Boar Tusks, and Boar Skin, which can be sold for a good profit. But be aware boars get spooked easily, so avoid gunshots when hunting them, or else they or the rest of their herd will retreat at the sound of gunfire. Throwing Knives and Sawed-Off Shotgun works wonders when hunting the beast. However, you might want to throw a couple of knives at them before the boar drops.

The Master Hunter Challenge Rank 4 requires you to collect 5 Boar Skins, and for that reason, you need some reliable locations in Red Dead Redemption to farm boars. 

Boars Locations in Red Dead Redemption

Boars Locations in Red Dead Redemption

Here are some reliable locations where you are bound to run into some boars in Red Dead Redemption:

  • Great Plains: Regularly seen in the southern region near the Wreck of the Serendipity.
  • Stillwater Creek: A pack of boars will undoubtedly be lured by placing bait in this location. You can use the shrubbery around the place to take them out stealthily. 
  • MacFarlane Ranch: There is a virtually endless boar spawn point inside a basin northeast of the ranch. The likelihood of more boars will rise around 6:30 AM and onwards. You can find more in the hills far north of the ranch, near the river splitting New Austin from West Elizabeth. 
  • Thieves’ Landing: You can find a few boars early in the day southwest of this location. 
  • New Austin: The plains east of New Austin are home to some boars. 
  • West Elizabeth: The southeastern part of this region is brimming with boars. The boars like to come out to party at around 7:30 to 8:00 PM. 
  • Tall Trees: Boars are frequently spotted in the northern area of this location. 
  • Manzanita Post: Expect to find a bunch of boars here around 6:00 to 7:30 AM.
  • Broken Tree: This place is flooded with boars. 
  • There is a random event at El Matadero in Nuevo Paraiso where you’ll witness an NPC chasing a boar on his horse. Other than that, there are no boars in this location. 

Boars are not to be taken lightly when hunting in Red Dead Redemption. These creatures are ferocious, and their numbers will stampede over you. It is best to go in prepared, especially since the locations where you find boars are hot zones for cougars and wolves. They will get attracted to the blood of your hunted prey, so come in packing.