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Ultimate Guide To Abandoned Cabins in Rust

Ultimate Guide To Abandoned Cabins in Rust

The Abandoned Cabins are one of the many monuments that you come across in Rust, and each monument has its own perks and rewards that you certainly don’t want to miss. Let’s dive deep into what Abandoned Cabins are and what they have to offer.

Abandoned Cabins is among the very few monuments Rust that allows you to build bases. The location has one Green cabin and one Yellow cabin, and you build around the swamp area if you plan on having a base around this monument.

Ultimate Guide To All Monuments in Rust

This guide talks about the Abandoned Cabins monument in Rust and how it is an excellent option for players who are just starting out.

How Difficult Is Abandoned Cabins?

Abandoned Cabins Rust

Abandoned Cabins is not that difficult. In fact, it’s one of the earliest monuments players will come across when they start a new game.

The Items here don’t have any unlock levels, and you can access them easily or trade them in the shop available at one of the cabins.

The location is relatively safe from any kind of enemies and offers a variety of loot. It is also safe from any harmful radiation,ons so you won’t find any difficulties in terms of survival, and the best part is you don’t need any specific level to reach this location.

What You Need To Enter Abandoned Cabins?

There are no prior requirements to enter this monument as it’s one of the easiest to get. You can get to the Abandoned Cabins either by foot or on a horse, and you don’t need to be of any specific level to get into this location.

How To Enter Abandoned Cabins?

Abandoned Cabins Entrance

If you are the first one getting on to the server and heading towards the monument, the cabins will be blocked by a door that you can break by weapons or melee.

In case If you are not the one who came here first, then you will find the cabins already accessible, and you can roam around to search the crates, look for the keycards or build around the area.

What Enemies You Find At Abandoned Cabins?

This monument is the safest you can find when getting started with the game, it has 0% radiation, clean water to drink and build around, and there are no predators or enemies that can harm you.

We don’t expect early PVP to happen here either, but since it allows you to build bases, you should be fine on your own.

What Loot You Can Find At Abandoned Cabins?

We get a variety of loot at Abandoned cabins, as there are two cabins that you can explore. One is the Green Cabin, and the other is the Yellow Cabin; behave decent loot and have a trading shop to trade your inventory items.

Green Cabin Loot

Green Cabin

The Green Cabin is also known as a one-story cabin among the players, offering two loot crates. Now these loot crates can be Med crates, Food Crates, or Common crates depending upon how the game RNG works.

You can also visit the metal shop in this area for trading but be careful of your surroundings as you don’t want to end up being attacked by other players while being in the menu or making a trade.

Yellow Cabin Loot

Like the Green cabin, this one also has another name, the two-story cabin. This location also offers two crates, and they will also be either Med crates, Food Crates, or Common crates.

Apart from the crates, Yellow Cabin also has a Green Keycard on the second floor of the cabin that you can use to unlock doors when you progress in the game. These keycards are suitable for early game entrances and have limited uses, so make sure to use them wisely.

Is It Worth Exploring Abandoned Cabins?

Abandoned Cabins is an excellent monument to visit if you are just starting the game. As we mentioned, this location is among the safest due to no radiation, and you get a decent amount of loot to get started with.

It also offers an area where you can build a base which is not the case with many other monuments in the game, also apart from some restricted areas close to the two cabins, you can even build a whole farm in the water area and can get sulfur from the water as well. You can also drink this water as it’s clean and stay hydrated in the game.

Players do often spawn here, but if you play wisely, you should be having a decent time at this monument and gather enough resources to speed up your progression in the game.

There you have it guys, an ultimate guide on Abandoned Cabins Monument in Rust. We have done our best to cover all the aspects of this location and what loot you can expect from it; we have also covered if this area is suitable or not for you.

Now it’s your turn to hop into Rust and explore this location; if you like what we do want to see similar coverages, stay tuned and share our work with your friends, and we’ll see you in the next one.