Valheim can be a stressful and often difficult game. Sometimes you just want to quickly get back those hard-earned items you lost or simply relax in creative mode. In this guide, I’ll discuss how you can make Valheim far easier on yourself by enabling console commands.
To enable Console Commands in Valheim, launch the game with -console in either the Steam Launch options or the Shortcut Properties. After launch, you can press F5 and use various console commands through an integrated interface.
Understanding how to run Valheim in console mode can be quite easy. But will require you to follow a step-by-step guide. This is precisely what we will be discussing in this article. If you’re looking to start the game in console mode, and learn some important commands to make your game easier, then keep reading the article!
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Enable Console Commands in Valheim

From spawning a certain number of rare items to turning yourself into an absolute god in-game. There is a lot of fun you can have in Valheim by enabling Console Commands. These are essentially codes that you can enter into the game’s command menu, and access the same administrative powers as a developer.
Valheim is a dangerous and unforgiving survival game. It does not pull any of its punches as it tries to pit you against the harsh realities of its world. From various enemies out in the open world to massive, hulking bosses There is always something to contend with in the game.
This is the reason why it can be so fun to turn on console commands and merely enjoy the experience of the game. Without having to overly worry about contending with any massive bosses or enemies that you cannot overcome.
Follow the simple steps ahead to enable console commands on both Steam and PC versions of Valheim.
Activate Console Commands in the Game Pass Version of Valheim
You might have assumed in the beginning that there is some extremely convoluted method of enabling Console Commands. However, this is simply not the case. To begin using console commands and cheats with Valheim all you have to do is launch the game with its in-game console activated.
If you’re wondering how to do this then follow the steps mentioned here:
- First, Create a Shortcut for Valheim.exe from its game installation folder.
- Second, make sure to drag and place the Shortcut to a preferred location within your computer.
- Third, Right Click on the Shortcut for the game and select Properties.
- In the Shortcut’s Tab add -console to the end of the Target Field
- Click Apply, then Click Ok.
- Close the Properties Window and Launch the game.
When you launch the game, you will notice that an additional pop-up appears that signifies that the console command menu for the game has also launched. This is the important section and will be used by you to input the cheats and commands necessary to make changes within the game.
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Activate Console Commands in the Steam Version of Valheim
If you’re looking to activate the Console command mode for the Steam version of Valheim then the steps are slightly different. This is because rather than the game creating an inherent Shortcut from the Valheim.exe file, it is not routing through the Steam Client.
So to launch the Steam version of the game with the console active simply do the following:
- First, Right-Click Valheim in your Steam Library.
- Navigate down to the Properties option and Click it.
- In the General Tab of the Properties, section navigate to the Launch Options.
- Type -console into the Launch Options field
- Click Ok and Close the General Tab.
Now all you need to do is launch the game normally. When you will the Steam client will run the game with the console activated. Which will then allow you to enter console commands similar to the above-mentioned PC version of the game. There is no particular harm that will occur to your client or game if you do this.
However, we do advise that your sense of achievement might be slightly ruined as a result of using these commands. But if this is how you wish to have fun then don’t get bogged down by arbitrary ideas of how you should be playing the game and how you should not be.
How to Use Cheats and Console Commands in Valheim

Now that you’ve started Valhein in Console Command mode, you can now start using the cheats and other general console commands. To begin, however, you will need to bring up the console command box. This can be done by if you Press the F5 key on your keyboard. Which automatically brings up the command box.
After you’ve brought up the console command box, you will need to ensure that cheats and commands are activated. Begin by typing “devcommands” into the console command box and Press Enter. Now that cheats are activated you can use any number of different codes to spawn items, and monsters, or play around in the world.
Note: These commands and cheats will only work whilst you’re playing Valheim in Singleplayer mode. They do not work while you are connected to Multiplayer Servers. So it’s important to be mindful of this fact when hoping for a certain cheat to take effect.
How to Enter Creative Mode in Valheim
While you are in singleplayer and have the Console Commands activated, you can enter a debug mode to access more cheats. This is also regarded as the game’s unofficial Creative Mode.
It is here you can build without a workbench or resources. To enter this mode simply type “debugmode” into the command line of your console command box.
You may then use the following commands to navigate the new mode:
Command | Effect |
B | Toggle for creative mode building, no workbench or resources needed. |
Z | Toggle to fly. Spacebar gives you altitude, Ctrl brings you back down. |
K | Tap to kill all nearby enemies and creatures within range. |
Related: Can You Tame Deer In Valheim?
Console Commands and Cheat Codes
It’s important to note before we list down the host of different codes and cheats that these commands can cause bugs and glitches within your game. Since the game code is being modified and items are being added that would not naturally be generated. This can cause issues within your game.
You are thus asked to proceed with caution when executing the following:
Common Singleplayer Cheats and Commands
Code | Effect |
god | Enables god mode. |
heal | Restores current max health. |
puke | Empties stomach of food and resets health and stamina. |
freefly | Activates the free camera. |
ffsmooth 1 | Adds smooth movements to the free camera. |
ffsmooth 0 | Resets smooth movements to normal. |
killall | Kills all nearby enemies. |
tame | Tames all nearby creatures. |
ghost | Enemies will ignore you. |
exploremap | Reveals the entire map. |
resetmap | Hides the entire map. |
pos | Shows player coordinates. |
goto [x,z] | Teleports player to the specified coordinates. |
location | Sets spawn location. |
tod | Sets time of day. |
event [name] | Starts the named event. |
stopevent | Stops the current event. |
randomevent | Starts a random event. |
raiseskill [skill] [amount] | Raises the named skill by the value entered. |
resetcharacter | Resets all of your character data. |
dpsdebug | Toggles DPS debug print on and off. |
save | Forces the game to save the current world state. |
players [nr] | Adjusts the difficulty scale. Enter 0 to reset difficulty. |
removedrops | Removes all items dropped in the area. |
wind [angle][intensity] | Adjusts the direction and intensity of the wind. |
resetwind | Resets the wind angle and intensity |
hair | Removes character’s hair (permanently) |
beard | Removes character’s beard (permanently) |
model 0 | Switches character to the masculine body |
model 1 | Switches character to the feminine body |
Multiplayer Server Admin Commands

Although many of the single-player cheats do not work while you are in Multiplayer mode. Many specific cheats can be enabled whilst on a private server.
To activate these multiplayer codes, simply Press F5 and enter the codes. These commands are as follows:
Code | Effect |
help | Shows all the available server commands |
kick [name/ip/userID] | Kicks the named user |
ban [name/ip/userID] | Bans the named user |
unban [ip/userID] | Unbans the named user |
banned | Shows a full list of banned users |
ping | Pings the server to measure latency. |
lodbias [number] | Sets the draw distance for the server. The number can be set from 1 to 5. |
info | Prints the current system information. |
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Commands to Create Items
To spawn items, type spawn in the console, followed by the item you want, followed by the amount of that item. An example of this is you trying to spawn 10 Amber. Simply type the following command:
spawn Amber 10
Note: All item names are case-sensitive. So we recommend using exactly the codes listed below to spawn a specific item. If you incorrectly type the name the item probably will not be spawned for you.
Item Type | Command |
Armor | ArmorBronzeChest ArmorBronzeLegs ArmorIronChest ArmorIronLegs ArmorLeatherChest ArmorLeatherLegs ArmorPaddedCuirass ArmorPaddedGreaves ArmorRagsChest ArmorRagsLegs ArmorTrollLeatherChest ArmorTrollLeatherLegs ArmorWolfChest ArmorWolfLegs CapeDeerHide CapeLinen CapeLox CapeOdin CapeTest CapeTrollHide CapeWolf HelmetBronze HelmetDrake HelmetDverger HelmetIron HelmetLeather HelmetOdin HelmetPadded HelmetTrollLeather HelmetYule |
Item Type | Command |
Arrows | ArrowBronze ArrowFire ArrowFlint ArrowFrost ArrowIron ArrowNeedle ArrowObsidian ArrowPoison ArrowSilver ArrowWood |
Item Type | Commands |
Weapons | AtgeirBlackmetal AtgeirBronze AtgeirIron Battleaxe Bow BowDraugrFang BowFineWood BowHuntsman KnifeBlackMetal KnifeChitin KnifeCopper KnifeFlint MaceBronze MaceIron MaceNeedle MaceSilver ShieldBanded ShieldBlackmetal ShieldBlackmetalTower ShieldBronzeBuckler ShieldIronSquare ShieldIronTower ShieldKnight ShieldSerpentscale ShieldSilver ShieldWood ShieldWoodTower SledgeIron SledgeStagbreaker SpearBronze SpearChitin SpearElderbark SpearFlint SpearWolfFang SwordBlackmetal SwordBronze SwordCheat SwordIron SwordIronFire SwordSilver Tankard TankardOdin Club Torch |
Item Type | Commands |
Tools | AxeBronze AxeFlint AxeIron AxeStone AxeBlackMetal PickaxeAntler PickaxeBronze PickaxeIron PickaxeStone Cultivator FishingRod Hammer Hoe |
Magic Items
Item Type | Commands |
Magic Items | BeltStrength Wishbone HelmetDverger |
Item Type | Commands |
Enemies | Blob BlobElite Boar Boar_piggy Crow Deathsquito Deer Draugr Draugr_Elite Draugr_Ranged Fenring Ghost Goblin GoblinArcher GoblinBrute GoblinClub GoblinHelmet GoblinLegband GoblinLoin GoblinShaman GoblinShoulders GoblinSpear GoblinSword GoblinTorch GoblinTotem Greydwarf Greydwarf_Elite Greydwarf_Root Greydwarf_Shaman Greyling Leech Lox Neck Seagal Serpent Skeleton Skeleton_Poison StoneGolem Surtling Troll Valkyrie Wolf Wolf_cub Wraith |
Item Type | Commands |
Bosses | Eikthyr gd_king Bonemass Dragon GoblinKing |
Item Type | Commands |
Food | Bread BloodPudding Blueberries Carrot CarrotSoup Cloudberry CookedLoxMeat CookedMeat FishCooked Honey Mushroom MushroomBlue MushroomYellow NeckTailGrilled Raspberry QueensJam Sausages SerpentMeatCooked SerpentStew Turnip TurnipStew |
Item Type | Commands |
Mead | MeadBaseFrostResist MeadBaseHealthMedium MeadBaseHealthMinor MeadBasePoisonResist MeadBaseStaminaMedium MeadBaseStaminaMinor MeadBaseTasty MeadFrostResist MeadHealthMedium MeadHealthMinor MeadPoisonResist MeadStaminaMedium MeadStaminaMinor MeadTasty |
Item Type | Commands |
Vehicles | Cart Raft Karve VikingShip Trailership |
Item Type | Command |
Vendor | Haldor |
Item Type | Commands |
Trophies | TrophyBlob TrophyBoar TrophyBonemass TrophyDeathsquito TrophyDeer TrophyDragonQueen TrophyDraugr TrophyDraugrElite TrophyDraugrFem TrophyEikthyr TrophyFenring TrophyForestTroll TrophyFrostTroll TrophyGoblin TrophyGoblinBrute TrophyGoblinKing TrophyGoblinShaman TrophyGreydwarf TrophyGreydwarfBrute TrophyGreydwarfShaman TrophyHatchling TrophyLeech TrophyLox TrophyNeck TrophySerpent TrophySGolem TrophySkeleton TrophySkeletonPoison TrophySurtling TrophyTheElder TrophyWolf TrophyWraith |
Enemy Spawners
Item Type | Commands |
Enemy Spawners | BonePileSpawner Spawner_Blob Spawner_BlobElite Spawner_Boar Spawner_Draugr Spawner_Draugr_Elite Spawner_Draugr_Noise Spawner_Draugr_Ranged Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30 Spawner_DraugrPile Spawner_Fenring Spawner_Fish4 Spawner_Ghost Spawner_Goblin Spawner_GoblinArcher Spawner_GoblinBrute Spawner_GoblinShaman Spawner_Greydwarf Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman Spawner_GreydwarfNest Spawner_Hatchling Spawner_imp Spawner_imp_respawn Spawner_Leech_cave Spawner_Location_Elite Spawner_Location_Greydwarf Spawner_Location_Shaman Spawner_Skeleton Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher Spawner_Skeleton_poison Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30 Spawner_StoneGolem Spawner_Troll Spawner_Wraith |
Valheim has many exploits, cheats, and codes that can be used to make the game easier and spawn items that you would otherwise not have access to. In the guide above, I’ve tried to give you guys a comprehensive explanation of all these exploits and how you can do them.
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