Shadow of the Erdtree is chock-full of optional areas that are easily missable if you are beelining the main objectives. One such area is the Jagged Peak. This rocky place is home to many dragons. A secret boss is waiting at the end, and a few NPC questlines are attached to this place, not to mention the juicy rewards you’ll miss if you don’t reach this place.
You must seek out the Jagged Peak for all this and more. Fortunately, I am here to lift the fog off this secret location with this detailed guide on how to reach the Jagged Peak in the Elden Ring DLC.
Castle Ensis to Dragon’s Pit
The way to Jagged Peak is hidden behind a minor dungeon called Dragon’s Pit. It is located in the Gravesite Plain region, southeast of Castle Ensis.

Start at the Castle Front Site of Grace, right outside Castle Ensis. You can find this site by following the northeastern path from the Three-Path Site of Grace, where you first met Hornsent.

From the enemy camp here, take the road on the right/east. Immediately as you exit, you’ll come across a fork in the road. Take the path on the left, through the woods, and ignore the one on the right leading down to another enemy campsite.
Stick to the road and do not deviate. A few Messmer’s soldiers are along the path, so do with them as you please. There is a graveyard in the way, too, with skeleton enemies. Once you leave the woods, you’ll see a field of these glowing worm things. These guys only turn hostile if you engage them.

Right in front, you’ll see a giant pillar i.e. Suppressing Pillar. Take the path on the right from here, and there you’ll see the Pillar Path Waypoint Site of Grace. Interact with it.

Close to the site is an NPC, Igon, writhing in pain on the ground. Exhaust his dialogue and continue on the path ahead.

A little further down the trail, after meeting Igon, you will be invaded by the Ancient Dragon-Man. Duke it out, defeat him, and follow the road to the edge. There are a ton of Gravebirds along this route, so be careful.

At the end of the path, there is a cave with broken dragon statues at the entrance. This is the entrance to Dragon’s Pit.
Moving through Dragon’s Pit

Interact with the Dragon’s Pit Site of Grace as you enter the cave.

Keep going until you reach a room with a giant skeleton facing a statue. Jump from the upper platform and run past all the skeletons in the room. Careful of the ambush waiting behind the corner as you exit this place.

Once you reach the room with the pit, move down the stairs, and this time, you have two options to choose from. You can either jump down the hole in the wall behind the giant vase/statue on the left (you will receive some fall damage, and enemies are waiting below), or you can take the path to the right behind the arrow-shooting skeleton and take the safer route down to the same place where you will fall.
Whatever way you choose to reach the room below, be vigilant since it will be riddled with skeletons. In this chamber, there is a broken stairway.

The path leading down (1) is the right way.
The one going up (2) leads to an optional Magma Wyrm fight. Defeating it will reward you with a Dragon Heart and an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

The next room is covered in torches and candles, with a giant cauldron on the other end beside a bottomless pit. A message at the entrance says to be brave. This means you have to leap into the unknown abyss. Don’t worry; you will survive the fall.

After a seemingly endless fall, you will land in front of a boss fog gate. Prepare yourself for a boss fight.

This time, you will face the real Ancient Dragon-Man. Defeat the boss, and you’ll receive the Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana.

After the fight, open the giant green gate at the back of the arena. Do not teleport to the entrance.

Keep moving forward, and you’ll come across the Dragon’s Pit Terminus Site of Grace.

Interact with the site and stay on course. Soon, you will reach the Foot of the Jagged Peak. Technically, you have arrived at the Jagged Peak and can explore it at your own pace. Those who want to reach the actual location can follow the next section of the guide.
The Foot of the Mountain to the Jagged Peak

The path marked on the map above will take you from the foot of the mountain to the Jagged Peak.

Jump down the ridge and run toward the lake in front with the sleeping dragon. It’s up to you whether you want to fight the giant lizard.

In any case, you must stick to the lake’s left side and take the path upwards through a rock formation.

From here, it’s a long straight patch until you reach a Spiritspring. Use it to jump up and then cross the rope bridge on the right. At the other end of the bridge, touch the Foot of the Jagged Peak Site of Grace.

Now, follow the path ahead, and soon, you’ll approach a field boss, the Jagged Peak Drake. The boss is fighting another dragon; thus, you can use the distraction to sneak past them unscathed. Use the outer rim of the arena to safely travel to the other side.

Right before you approach the Spiritspring on the far end of the arena, Jagged Peak will flash on the screen. Now, you have rightfully reached the Jagged Peak.
There is still some perilous journey left to reach the summit of Jagged Peak. This is where you face one of the secret bosses of Shadow of the Erdtree. I don’t want to spoil it for you. You can also complete Dragon Communion Priestess and Igon’s questline at the Jagged Peak.