The second game in the Bioshock series got a lot of negative feedback from many players just because it was not as good as the first. Yes, the game had a lot to live up to, but I don’t think any game can beat the masterpiece of a game that the first one was.
Bioshock 2 is absolutely worth playing. The story is amazing, and the gameplay is objectively better than in the first game.
There are many reasons why it’s worth playing, so read on to learn more.
The similar but different story
The story in Bioshock 2 is different, but many of the things you do in it are the same. The best part of the game is that you are a Big Daddy instead of just a regular guy, which brings many cool aspects into the game.
You can carry weapons you would not be able to use, like a giant drill or a massive Bolt gun. You still have the choice to save the Little Girls from Adam, or you can harvest them just like in the first game, and the ending changes depending on what you do.
This game is less of a horror game and more of an exploration game, so most people liked the first game rather than this one. I loved both of them because if two were just like the first one, it would sort of be boring and repetitive. If you want to know more about the story, just play the game and find out yourself.
The new Weapons
You have a powerful arsenal in BioShock 2, from unstoppable melee attacks to devastating ranged weapons. Unlike the first game, the player will have access to a quick-melee button, which causes you to swing whatever weapon you hold.
Although usually faster, this attack deals less damage than if the player uses an actual melee weapon. All ranged weapons have three different ammunition types. You have to learn how to use each weapon best because you will e using them for the entire game.
Here are all the weapons you can get in Bioshock 2:
- Drill
- Rivet Gun
- Machine Gun
- Shotgun
- Spear Gun
- Launcher
- Hack Tool
- Research Camera
- Ion Laser
The new Plasmids
Plasmids are special serums made from processed ADAM that introduce modified stem cells into the body, allowing for genetic modification and mutation, giving the user what some might call “superpowers”. Up to eight Plasmid slots are available, with three slots already available to the player from the start.
Upgrading a Plasmid to the next level also unlocks an alternate method for that particular Plasmid. Plasmids available will each have a unique upgrade tree, and most can be upgraded twice. While several Plasmids can be found in the environment, most will have to be purchased from a Gatherer’s Garden at a cost in ADAM.
Here are all the Plasmids you can get in Bioshock 2:
- Cyclone Trap
- Decoy
- Electro Bolt
- Hypnotize
- Incinerate
- Insect Swarm
- Scout
- Security Command
- Telekinesis
- Winter Blast
- Summon Eleanor
- Gravity Well
All the different enemies you need to fight
There is so many enemies that you need to fight in the game. A lot of the game is optional for you to do, but it is more fun to try and complete everything you can. There are 3 Little Sisters in each level to find and take, and then you can either take them around to the different bodies and use them, or you can let them go or harvest them right away.
You get more Adam for Plasmids if you keep them around longer, but it is a lot harder because many enemies try to kill you and take the Little Girl. Even though there are only a few enemy types, the different enemies in that specific enemy type are very broad. Watch out because you can get cornered easily if you are not careful. Always stock up on ammo and health packs.
Here are all the enemy types in Bioshock 2:
- Big Daddy
- Big Sister
- Little Sister
- Splicer
- Security Devices
All the optional exploration
Like the first game, there are many optional things to do. The game does not tell you to explore every corner of the area, but it is something you should get into the habit of. One thing that exploring does for you is to extend the time it takes to beat the game. The longer the game the better because you know you got your money’s worth out of it.
Even helping or harvesting Little Girls is optional, but exploring and finding new ways to do things is fun. You might open up a secret that gives you the money you need to get ammo again. Always be patient with exploration because you might get something good from it.
The many upgrades you can get
Power to the People is a one-time use weapon upgrade vending machine. They are scattered throughout Rapture. Each gives one upgrade to a weapon of the player’s choice, after which the station cannot be used again. The first Power to the People machine was installed in 1957, created by Fontaine Futuristics.
They were installed as protection for the citizens of Rapture, although Frank Fontaine may have built them in a cynical and self-serving attempt to spur armed conflict between them.
They were used by various combatants during the war and were a successful business venture for Fontaine Futuristics. Power to the People stations have returned in the sequel and can upgrade your arsenal.
However, the upgrading structure has changed: each weapon now has three upgrades, and the third can only be purchased if the player already possesses the first two.
The similar atmosphere to the first game
Bioshock 2 takes place in the same place the first game takes place, but the area is different. It has that same eerie feeling, albeit not as scary because you are in a Big Daddy suit. The scariest part of this game is when the Big Sisters come after you. Your vision starts doing weird things, and the music gets super intense. They are not bosses but pretty hard because they can jump everywhere and hit hard, but you get a ton of good stuff for defeating one.
That is the closest horror feeling this game gave me, but the game is not made to be a horror game. The big mistake people make in the game is going into it with other games in mind. If you start the game with a clear mind, then the game will be 100x better than you ever imagined. There were some parts that I liked better than the first game. It is all about how you look at things.
In conclusion, I would try the second game if you are a huge fan of the first Bioshock. Yes, it does many things differently, which makes the game unique. I think this game is more violent than the first one, and that is what I love about it.
You can get the whole Bioshock Collection for a cheap price, and the whole Collection will be on Switch very soon. Bioshock 2 is definitely worth your time and money.