Doom Eternal can be challenging depending on what difficulty setting you play on. If you play on Nightmare, then you will be in for a ride. Ultra-Nightmare is a whole different story though. The harder the difficulty, the more time you will need to spend backing away and be accurate with basically every shot you …
When you first load in to Deadside, the entire premise of the game seems simple. It looks very similar to games such as DayZ or PUBG, so it doesn’t seem that complicated. You’ll soon realize that there is a lot more to the game than it seems. Base building is slightly more complicated than other …
Doom Eternal is full of stuff to do. It is especially generous to achievement hunters with the sheer amount of Collectibles to find. But one thing that may be confusing at first is the way that the upgrade system works. There are a ton of things to upgrade and I am here to guide you …
Monster Hunter: World may be a little overwhelming for new players. When you first create your character, you will then be put in Astera, which is the hub area in which everything is done. When you are first spawned in, you might not have any idea what to do or where to go. It is …
Monster Hunter: World is one of those games where you need to have everything right or else it might come back to bite you later on. From selling a material you might need, or having to fight the same creature 10 times in a row, this game has its ups and downs. A lot of …
When I first started to play Monster Hunter, I did not know anything about the game. All I knew is that I had to craft a weapon and kill monsters. I did not realize the huge learning curve with the different weapon types and elements. Yes, there are a ton of elements in the game, …
While Jedi: Fallen Order might look like a hack and slash mindless beat ’em up from the outside, let me assure you that it is definitely not. Going into this game with that sort of expectation has probably left more than a few Star Wars fans unhappy. That is not to say that it isn’t …
Even though Jedi: Fallen Order is definitely more of a linear experience than an open-ended one, there are still plenty of decisions to be made on the part of the player. If you want to explore “out of order”, you might be wondering, “What’s the best planet order in Jedi: Fallen Order?” The best planet …
When I started my first Bannerlord campaign, I thought it was impossible to even hit the 1,000 denar quest at the beginning. It took my probably 5 hours of playing before I finished that quest. Then, a few hours later I figured it out. With an initial investment of denars, you can make your money …
While vampirism was always in Skyrim, the Dawnguard DLC completely changed how it worked. Some people might not want to become a vampire due to the side effects, but other players might not care about them. How do you cure vampirism? If you’ve just been infected with vampirism, you can cure it within 3 days. …