Minecraft has all sorts of blocky animals that you can interact with, and if you like the rural lifestyle, you can even start a farm where you can keep, breed, and farm different animals. You can simulate a proper poultry farm in Minecraft, and it’s super fun when your fields are filled with moos and baas.
To keep your cows healthy and fed, you need to give them Grass, and if the ground is covered, it gets ready for them to rip out for dinner.

What Do Cows Do In Minecraft
Cows in Minecraft spawn on grass blocks at the surface at light level 9 or above. The exceptions to this are Snowy Tundra and also Mushroom Fields. They spawn in herds of 4, they also spawn in animal pens, butcher houses, and villages.
You can get various items from killing a grown-up cow-like:
- They drop 1-3 XP
- 0-2 Pieces of Leather
- 1-3 Pieces of Raw Beef

If you dangle/aim wheat at cows, they will start to follow you around, and they keep doing so for up to eight blocks away if you get further away than eight blocks, they will lose interest. Wheat puts cows into love mode, indicated by the red hearts that float from them. Put two cows in this mode, allowing them to breed and create a third baby cow.
You won’t get anything from killing baby cows, so refrain from doing so. Feed the baby cow, and eventually, in 20 minutes, it will grow up. The cow has different variants; they only breed with their own kind.
Keep the cows properly fed with Grass and, soon, with enough breeding. You will have a whole farm full of bovine buddies.