When it comes to bosses in Dark Souls 3, there is a lot to defeat within one playthrough. There are bosses that are extremely difficult, and there are bosses that you will always one-shot your first time because of how easy they are. No matter the boss, they will always drop a boss’s soul. You …
Armor is one of the most important gears you will need in Elden Ring because that determines your Poise. If you don’t know Poise, it is the damage you can take before you are stunned. Some enemies can follow up with a riposte depending on what enemy they are. The Armor in Elden Ring can’t …
When it comes to weapons in Bloodborne, it is nothing like any other game that FromSoft has made. Not only are there transforming weapons, but they also added ranged weapons into the game. There is a lot to choose from and it can be pretty difficult to decide which one best suits your playstyle. Ultimately, …
The art of programming is amazing, as it lets you break down and fix issues that would otherwise plague a certain game for centuries. While a game as regularly updated as Minecraft shouldn’t have any issues, the truth can be disappointing. For instance, Minecraft’s launcher cannot deliver performance to this day. You have to waste …
Throughout the years, Minecraft has shown us why it deserves the praise it gets. From unique open-world bosses to state-of-the-art building mechanics, gamers only naturally go for the title. While Minecraft is behind a paywall, you only need to pay once, and the game will be yours to keep forever unless Microsoft decides to make …
Elden Ring is a FromSoft game, so with that comes everything that previous titles have had. Yes, it is a different game, but it still has those Dark Souls moments that make it close to the series. Many animations and enemies were inspired by the previous game’s enemies or even unused assets they brought back. …
When it comes to choosing a weapon in Dark Souls 3, it can be extremely confusing since there are soo many to choose from. If you don’t know what to use, just experiment with all the weapon types so you feel comfortable trying something new. Finding that one weapon you like might be a little …
Elden Ring boasts a massive catalog of bosses, so much so that it nearly doubles the number of bosses that From Soft had even made in the Souls genre until the game’s release. That said, it might be difficult to pinpoint exactly which ones are of higher quality than others, and that might even vary …
From Software games are renowned for their rich lore and deeply interwoven storytelling. And lore enthusiasts love to dig through these games to find hidden connections. So you might be wondering, are the two most popular From Software games, Bloodborne and Dark Souls, in any way connected or share the same universe? If so, then …
If you have played a FromSoft game before, you will know that you will need to upgrade your weapons. It is in most games the developer makes, so you must know where to find these upgrade materials you will need in your playthrough. Elden Ring is no different when it comes to this sort of …