When I first played Dark Souls 2, I went in blind like everyone else. As I progressed through the game, I realized it was much different from the other games in specific ways. One way it was different was how the health worked in the game. I tried many things, but once my health started …
Although many people, including myself, find themselves struggling with being overweight, players of Rockstar’s recent masterpiece, Red Dead Redemption 2, are actually finding the opposite to be true. Try as they might, many players can’t quite seem to put on the pounds they want. Here are a few quick tips for gaining weight as well …
Assassins Creed: Odyssey is a massive game filled with seemingly infinite amounts of gear. Once you get past the very first island, the game starts dumping items on you faster then you can keep up with them. With the entire gear upgrade system in this game, it made me wonder, when should you be upgrading …
When it comes to hard games, the Dark Souls series is probably the most infamous of them all. Because of that, it gets a lot of backlash from people saying things about it that are not necessarily true. A lot of people dislike the game, but it has a massive following of loyal fans. All …
When it comes to battle royales, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds has been my favorite since it was in early access. I started playing it when it first came into early access, and I have spent countless hours playing match after match. Sometimes I would find myself just clicking the join match button more times than I can …
After playing the base game of Breath of the Wild, many players decided to buy the DLC. But considering the base game comes with a staggering price tag followed by the $20 DLC. You have to stop and wonder. Is the Breath of the Wild DLC good? Is it worth it? The additional story content …
Monster Hunter: World is a popular action role-playing game developed by Capcom and released in early 2018. It was the first time this series made its jump to the mainstream consoles and PC and the product took advantage of this. Despite being a few years old now, the game is still worth playing in 2023. …
When Breath of the Wild launched in 2017, it was immediately showered with glowing reviews. 10/10 ratings were thrown at it without even considering any of the negatives about it. Don’t get me wrong, BOTW is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s a rare thing for me to play a game more …
From the moment you wake up in the Shrine of Resurrection, Breath of the Wild immediately throws you into the world with absolutely nothing. As you progress, Link should be getting stronger. There comes a point late game where you will become totally over-powered, and take out every enemy without breaking a sweat. Until that …
There has been a lot of controversy about Battlefield V since the first trailer came out. Many people are not huge fans of EA because of some major mistakes they have made with their games. Since the Battlefield series is made by EA, some people don’t even give it a chance. Battlefield is probably one …