Dying Light 2’s world hides many secrets and loot to get your hands on. These items are of different varieties and all of them help the player deal with the undead monstrosities that roam the land in some way or the other. What is the best way to hide said treasures? Well the safes of a bygone era are the perfect place to secure them from prying hands and they do house some amazing items like Inhibitors.
The codes to open these safes are usually found near where the safe itself is either on a piece of paper or as a riddle. Finding these pieces of paper or figuring out the riddle can be quite a chore so we have decided to make things easy for you and give you all the codes.
Below we will be mentioning every safe code along with all the necessary detail of where to find each safe and the solutions to the riddles if you are trying to figure them out too.
Another Solution To Safe Codes

If you are one of those players who wants to get by on their own effort without the help of the internet then we have a piece of good news for you. Safes in Dying Light 2 can be solved without the need to find any of the clues hidden in the environment. If you’re using a controller, then as you rotate the combination lock slowly, you’ll feel a vibration over any number that is included in the code. Once you’ve found all three numbers, you can get the right combination after a few tries.
If you don’t want to be bothered by this tedious process then feel free to scroll down and get all the codes to the safes.
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Dying Light 2 All Safe Code List
Old Villedor
- 5-1-0: Bazaar Church safe code in Trinity
- 1-0-1: Nightrunner Hideout safe code in Houndfield
- 21-12-55: “Book Club X” safe code in Houndfield
- 11-11-19: “Out Of Your League” Crocodile Flats safe code in Houndfield
- 9-7-3: “The First Biomarker” safe code in Houndfield
- 3-1-3: “Moonshine” safe code in Horseshoe
- 22-67-66: South Quarry End safe code in Quarry End
Central Loop
- 10-28-64: “Little Boy” safe code in New Dawn Park
- 3-1-3: Bandit Camp safe code in Downtown
- 74-17-76: US Declaration of Independence safe code in Downtown
- 3-1-4: Electrical Station safe code in Garrison
- 6-6-6: VNC Tower safe code in Garrison
- 3-21-67: “Treasure Hunt” safe code in Muddy Grounds
- 10-10-10: “Life, The Universe, And Everything” safe code in Muddy Grounds
- 4-4-4: Church of St Thomas the Apostle safe code in Saint Paul Island
- 85-19-45: “End Of World War Two” safe code in Saint Paul Island
- 9-8-7: Dark Hollow safe code in Saint Paul Island
- 4-5-9: “Absolute Zero” safe code in Newfound Lost Lands
- 9-6-6: Dam Nightrunner Hideout safe code in City Outskirts
Dying Light 2 Safe Locations And Codes/Solutions
Old Villedor Safes Location And Codes
Bazaar Church safe code in Trinity: 5-1-0
In the tower, on top of the Bazaar, there is a safe. Inside the room with the safe, there will be a poster with a piece of paper sticking out from behind it. Picking it will reveal a key to the safe code i.e. 5*100+15-5= …
Using math lessons from school days you will have to solve this equation to get the code. If the world of numbers hasn’t been your friend back in the day then let us help you solve it. 5*100 is 500, and then 500 + 15 – 5 is 510, split the number and you get the code 5-1-0.
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Nightrunner Hideout safe code in Houndfield: 1-0-1
Near the border of the corner where Houndfield, Trinity, and Quarry End meet, the Nightrunner’s Hideout is located. The safe is inside the small domed building on the east side of the giant square in the center of Houndfield.
Inside the building, move past the gap to the side and you will be in the hideout with a safe right in front of you. If you move the wardrobe in the room out of the way you will gain access to a secret room with a piece of paper with the code to the safe on it i.e. 1-0-1.
“Book Club X” safe code in Houndfield: 21-12-55
The safe and its code are part of a quest so it’s hard to miss. Head to the apartment marked by the “Book Club X” quest, clear the enemies from the area, then proceed to pick up the Treasure Island book with the safe code inside: 21-12-55. The safe will be marked as part of the quest.
“Out Of Your League” Crocodile Flats safe code in Houndfield: 11-11-19
This code and safe can be found in the same room as you find the necklace for the “Out Of Your League” side-quest, the location will be easily highlighted with a mission marker.
The code itself is a little harder to solve. Next to the body wearing the necklace, there will be a picture of a woman and a child celebrating the child’s second birthday. The date on the photo will be 11/11/21, although that is not the safe code as the child’s date of birth is the code i.e. 11-11-19.
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“The First Biomarker” safe code in Houndfield: 9-7-3
The First Biomarker is a side-quest given by McGregor where you have to open a safe with the help of a riddle that he provides.
The riddle itself can be divided into three parts each hiding a number of the safe combination. Each riddle part and its respective solution will be listed below in order:
- “What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down?“
- 9, when turned upside down, becomes 6, which is smaller.
- “The second is an odd number. Take away a letter and it becomes even. What is it?“
- 7 is an odd number, which when spelled out is “SEVEN”. Take away the “S”, and it becomes, literally, “EVEN”.
- “A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs. As she is going home, all but three eggs break. How many eggs are left unbroken?“
- As the little girl is going home, ALL BUT THREE eggs break. So the number of eggs left unbroken is 3. Not 9, as you might have thought if you didn’t read the clue carefully.
Bringing all three numbers together and you get the safe code: 9-7-3.
“Moonshine” safe code in Horseshoe: 3-1-3
The “Moonshine” side-quest is only accessible if you have chosen not to fight Jack and Joe in the “Water Tower” main story quest. As you progress with the decision taken, they will be thrown in jail onboard the Peacekeepers’ ship. When you talk to them here it will initiate the quest to track down Cillian’s moonshine. In their words, the code to the safe is the year America was discovered which means the code is 14-9-2.
The safe is in the water tower in the Horseshoe district in Old Villedor. Climb part of the way up the central tower and open the door at the end of the walkway using your lockpicks. The safe can be found past the door.
South Quarry End safe code in Quarry End: 22-67-66
The safe is found on the upper floor of a small house in the Quarry End district. You can reach the top floor from the outside. Once inside the room open the chest at the foot of the bed and read the note inside which says: (1000/10)+(3333*2)+220000=…
Put on your math hat and solve away! Why even bother we are here for you, 100 + 6,666 + 220,000 = 226,766. Hence the code to the safe which can be found in the corner of the room is 22-67-66.
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Central Loop Safes
“Little Boy” safe code in New Dawn Park: 10-28-64
This safe code can be found in one of the buildings in a square in New Dawn Park, to the west of the Fish Eye. Climb the south wall of the building in the square to find an apartment with a safe inside. Open the cabinets in the room and you will eventually find a paper with the safe code clue which is “Little Boy – Length [feet] – Diameter [inches] – Filling weight [kg]“.
If you are not a war history buff then this clue will go over your head. Little Boy was the name of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. With a quick Google search, you can get the necessary dimensions for the clue. The length was 10, the diameter was 28, and the filling weight was 64 therefore the code is 10-28-64.
Bandit Camp safe code in Downtown: 3-1-3
The Downtown Bandit Camp and the safe are located on the eastern edge of Downtown, inside the building which has Military Airdrop THB-1L0. You just have to access the building from the ground, clear it of any bandits, and on the first floor of the building you can find the safe in an apartment. However, you will have to parkour up to the upper level to get the letter with the safe code which is 3-1-3.
US Declaration of Independence safe code in Downtown: 74-17-76
The safe is located at the edge of where the Downtown and The Wharf districts meet. There should be a section of a raised motorway still standing with a slope that you can use to climb up to the top. While on top there will be a van with a table outside with a note that will give you the clue to the safe which is “the date of the US Declaration of Independence“. The safe itself can be found inside the van next to the table. That date is July 4th, 1776 hence the safe code is 74-17-76.
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Electrical Station safe code in Garrison: 3-1-4
This safe can be accessed while completing the “Broadcast” story mission inside the Garrison Electrical Station. The safe itself is next to the Generator #2 and next to that there will be a box with a note inside stating the clue to the safe code which is the approximate value of Pi. Pi is a mathematical constant with the value of 3.1415926535. So the approximate value means the code is 3-1-4.
VNC Tower safe code in Garrison: 6-6-6
When you have completed the “Broadcast” mission, you can easily access the roof of the VNC Tower using the elevator. From the roof, descend from the west side of the building using the Grappling Hook to an apartment below with the safe and a note on a desk with the clue “If u 555 then I’m…”. Going from this clue the code to the safe is 6-6-6.
“Treasure Hunt” safe code in Muddy Grounds: 3-21-67
“Treasure Hunt” is a quest you’ll receive if you complete Meyer’s side-quest “The Deserter”, and choose to keep the map at the end. The note on the table is a cipher with the first section stating the location of the safe while the second section is the code to the safe. The first section or the location of the safe once solved will be “MUDDY GROUNDS WATER TOWER BASEMENT”, so make your way to the place (seen in the picture above) and dive below the water in the basement to get to the safe. The second section or the code to the safe once solved will be “ZERO THREE TWO ONE SIX SEVEN”, 3-21-67.
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“Life, The Universe, And Everything” safe code in Muddy Grounds: 10-10-10
The safe is situated right on the northwestern border between Muddy Grounds and The Wharf. Next to the building with a massive skull graffiti is a small container area that you can open using the GRE Access Key. Inside is a safe, and a note containing the clue “The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything (in binary)“. This is a reference to The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, where the answer to said question is: 42. In binary, 42 is written as 101010. So the safe code is 10-10-10.
Church of St Thomas the Apostle safe code in Saint Paul Island: 4-4-4
This safe can be found in the Church of St Thomas the Apostle to the east of Saint Paul Island. Climb halfway up the church until you reach the small room in the tower with the zipline leading from above the doorway to the south side of the church. In the room, you can find the safe.
The code for this safe can be found by exiting this room through the window, then using the gargoyle above you to climb to the top of the tower. There, in a box, is a note with the code 4-4-4 inside.
“End Of World War Two” safe code in Saint Paul Island: 85-19-45
This safe can be found in a cargo container that requires the GRE Access Key to open. The container is located at the southeastern end of Saint Paul Island close to the edge of the map. Inside the container, you can find the safe and the nearby shelf above the monitors will have the clue to the code of the safe which is “end of World War 2 (EU)“. The date referred to here is the Victory in Europe Day, which occurred on August 5th, 1945, hence the code is 85-19-45.
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Dark Hollow safe code in Saint Paul Island: 9-8-7
This safe is in the Dark Hollow located in the southern part of Saint Paul Island. As with all Dark Hollow, go there at night and make your way to the first floor, from here drop down and move through the gap on your right. In this room, you will see a safe on a bookshelf that can be opened using lockpicks, and inside will be a note that has the code to the real safe. The code is 9-8-7.
The actual safe can be found up the ledge opposite the bookcase. Head through into that ledge’s room and up the ladder to find the safe.
“Absolute Zero” safe code in Newfound Lost Lands: 4-5-9
The safe is located in a small building next to a series of bus parking spots in Newfound Lost Lands. Under the till there is a note which has the clue to the combination of the safe i.e. “Absolute Zero (*F)”. In Fahrenheit, the value of Absolute Zero is around -459, so the code is 4-5-9.
Dam Nightrunner Hideout safe code in City Outskirts: 9-6-6
There’s a large dam to the west of Garrison in the City Outskirts. On the top of this dam is a Nightrunner Hideout. Inside this hideout is a safe, and further on top of the shack there is a box with a note containing the safe code clue i.e. “Baptism of Poland”. This refers to the historic event in the year 966 when the Polish leader and his court converted to Christianity hence the safe code is 9-6-6.
The solution to some of the safes in Dying Light 2 is a doozy and requires the help of the internet regardless. Luckily we have you covered right here and you will be opening all the safes like a professional safe-cracker in no time. Enjoy your precious loot and don’t forget to thank us.