Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a love letter to Star Wars and in its own unique and comical way it has everything the franchise had us awestruck. Every aspect of every movie is beautifully encapsulated in its blocky form, even those throw-away scenes from the movies are charmingly blown up into grand experiences.
This game has so much Star Wars in it that even the best of the collectors will be put to shame. So many characters, iconic scenery, and vehicles to get hold of or live out. But avid fans might still be hoping to see other things in Star Wars not featured in the game.
Luckily for you, the game has many different recognizable characters, skins, and vehicles that are hidden behind codes that you can get hold of by entering them in the pause menu. All the exact codes are listed below for your convenience.

When in the Holoprojector or pause screen you can select the “Enter Code” option to do the deed. Entering correctly will indicate the respective unlock on the screen. There are a total of 20 codes available right now and we can bet more will be added later down the line.
Related: All Data Card Locations In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Code | Unlock |
KH7P320 | Aayla Secura |
XV4WND9 | Admiral Holdo |
WOOKIEE | Chewbacca (Holiday Special) |
TIPYIPS | D-O (Holiday Special) |
WROSHYR | Darth Vader (Holiday Special) |
OKV7TLR | Dengar |
SIDIOUS | Emperor Palpatine |
LIFEDAY | Gonk Droid (Holiday Special) |
BAC1CKP | Mister Bones |
WBFE4GO | Nute Gunray |
KORDOKU | Poe Dameron (Holiday Special) |
Z55T8CQ | Poggle The Lesser |
GR2VBXF | Ratts Tyerell |
SHUTTLE | Resistance I-TS Transport (ship) |
T9LM1QF | Shmi |
3FCPPVX | Governor Tarkin |
SKYSAGA | Temmin Wexley |
ARVALA7 | The Razor Crest (ship) |
C3PHOHO | C-3PO (Holiday Special) |
VT1LFNH | Shaak Ti |
I hope your favorite character was hidden behind some code as mine was Emperor Palpatine. The codes unlock some amazing and some weird pieces of Star Wars history and we could only assume, with the popularity this game is receiving, that more stuff will be added to this all-encompassing pinnacle of this franchise.