V Rising’s ever-increasing popularity has amassed a huge following and the PvP side of this game is becoming a thriving community on its own. With so many players sinking their time in this survival game and fighting each other, they have perfected various ways to create varying builds that effectively annihilate their opponents.
There is a huge emphasis on the Chaos skill tree and the usage of Chaos Barrage in most build but there are more ways to put together a build that players generally miss out on. Here we will discuss some builds that fly under the radar though they prove to be quite amazing when used properly.
These builds are:
- Frost Build
- Bruiser Build
- Artillery Build
- Healing Build
- Mosquito Build

Related: All V Rising Abilities Ranked (Blood, Unholy, Frost, Illusion, Chaos)
Frost Build

- Veil of Frost
- Frost Bat
- Frost Barrier
- Arctic Leap
Weapons Preference: Spears, Slasher, Crossbow/Axe
Ideal Usage:
- Perfect for Duels
- Insane Burst Combos
- Amazing at Chasing
The Frost build is a very versatile and powerful build that works in most situations. The idea is to hit a frozen bat onto a Chill target which will then freeze them rendering them unable to move and allowing you to close the distance and combo them with Spear Q for massive damage. Alternatively, you can also use the Axe E into a Spear Q or even Axe E into Arctic Leap ultimate following up with a Spear Q dealing incredibly high damage.
There are a lot of different combo variations that you can play around with in the build. It’s important to realize that you have two stacks of the Frozen Bat ability and you should manage them properly to proc the Chill effect on your opponent. You should generally rely on your other spells when fighting and try to save at least one Frozen Bat stack for whenever you can get a Chill effect on the opponent.
To initiate a combo it is easiest to get a Chill effect with a Frozen Barrier though you can also use the Frozen Dash and hit an empowered basic attack on the opponent. A useful tip to consider is that if you swap your weapon after dashing the empowered attack disappears however you can swap to your Spear before dashing and then the long range basic attack of the Spear will make it much easier to hit the empowered attack allowing you to then combo up and get a Freeze on the target giving you ample space to follow up with an even powerful combo.
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Bruiser Build

Skill Set 1:
- Veil of Chaos
- Power Surge
- Mist Trance
- Heart Strike

Skill Set 2 (For Duels):
- Veil of Frost
- Power Surge
- Chaos Barrier
- Heart Strike
Weapons Preference: Axe, Slashers, Sword/Spear
Ideal Usage:
- Highest Mobility
- Open World PvP
- Shields for Melee Trades
This is a melee-focused Bruiser build. V Rising’s PvP engagement usually revolves around staying at a distance and deal poke damage but with this build you can go in quite aggressively. The idea is to activate your Power Surge which shields you and gives you attack and movement speed and then close in to your opponent with your Axe Q, doing so will give you massively increased attack speed and the shields will protect from losing your health
Be aware and don’t engage like this if you know that the target has a barrier or counter up and if you do be prepared to cancel your attacks or use your Sword Q spin attack as it goes through barriers and counters. Power Surge and Mist Trance are the only spells that give you extra mobility and they can be a significant advantage in open-world fights to chase opponents down or even escape in dicey situations.
The lack of ranged spells in this build makes you rely on your weapon abilities to poke. You can use your Axe E boomerang or your Sword E to poke otherwise you’ll have to head-first engage with your shields up and get out with Mist Trance. The Heart Strike ultimate is great for extra mobility, escape, and can also be used to quickly punish someone with low health and finish them off.
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Artillery Build

Skill Set 1:
- Veil of Chaos
- Chaos Volley
- Void
- Heart Strike

Skill Set 2:
- Veil of Chaos
- Frost Bat
- Ice Nova
- Heart Strike
Weapons Preference: Axe, Slashers, Sword/Crossbow
Ideal Usage:
- Ranged Damage Proficiency
- Great in Team Fights
- Works Through Line of Sight
The Artillery build is a high-risk and high-reward build. You can either choose a Chill effect-oriented variation with the Frost spells or you can go for the Chaos variation with high DPS. The plan here is to mostly stay back and bombard enemies with spells. When you are aware that someone has a counter activated you can fake cast a projectile spell like your Chaos Volley or Frost Bat only to cancel it and follow it up with the ground target spell i.e. Ice Nova or Void right after as these spells bypass counters, Void even interrupts the counters.
You do have to be very careful though as you don’t have any defensive spells and will have to rely on your weapon abilities defensively. Slashers are generally great for defense with the dash and the stealth though other weapons can have strong defensive capabilities like the knockback on both Scythe Q or the Mace E.
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This build synergizes perfectly with high-quality Scholar blood since the perks of the blood are overpowered. For this build particularly this blood would enable you to stay away from the fight and never have to fight head-on since your spells’ cooldown will keep resetting. With this reduced cooldown, you can just keep bombarding enemies with your spells all the while recovering your health with your lifesteal damage spells. When everything works perfectly in line the synergy of this build really shines through.
Healing Build

Skill Set 1:
- Veil of Chaos
- Sanguine Coil
- Purgatory
- Heart Strike

Skill Set 2:
- Veil of Chaos
- Purgatory
- Mist Trance
- Arctic Leap
Weapons Preference: Axe, Slashers, Scythe/Crossbow
Ideal Usage:
- Perfect for Team Support
- Useful in 1v1 Fights
The Healing build is simple yet crucial. You will essentially play a support healer for your team and it can be incredibly powerful to top off your allies before they lose max HP. You can swap the healing spells however you want, you can either use the two healing spells together like Sanguine Coil and Purgatory or you can use one healing spell and a defensive ability like Frost barrier or Mist Trance.
This build works quite well in 1v1 situations as the self-healing abilities allow you to whittle your opponents down slowly all the while healing yourself repeatedly, though at some point in the fight you will have to fully commit to delivering a finishing blow to the target. If you are running the double healing spell version then you have to be careful about your defense and don’t overextend too much as you are quite vulnerable, especially against good players if you don’t have a counter or a shield.
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Mosquito Build

- Veil of Chaos
- Unstable Mosquito
- Chaos Barrier
- Heart Strike
Weapons Preference: Spear, Slashers, Axe/Crossbow
Ideal Usage:
- Great in 1v1 Fights
- Amazing Burst Damage
- Effective Against Counter/Barrier
The Mosquito build is a unique trolling build. The Unstable Mosquito is quite a powerful spell, it has a fairly short range but you cannot outrun the bug once it locks onto you so your opponent is forced to use something to either kill it or get away from it otherwise they will take a chunk of damage. This spell also goes through counters and shields. If you know that your opponent has used up their dash ability or if they dash towards you the spell can become even more deadly as when they’re in range and have no escape their counter abilities won’t stop this spell and the damage plus the Amplification effect will raise their damage taken by 25%.
The Mosquito can also block attacks for you so if someone is about to cast a ranged spell like Chaos Volley on you and you have no defensive skill you can quickly use this spell and the insect will absorb up to 2 Chaos Volley hits for you. This spell also has great combo potential as you can link up or freeze your target and then cast the Unstable Mosquito spell and afterward you can combo them with a Spear ability, while the bug explodes and apply the Amplification for extra damage, chaining these attacks will be devastating. This build is weird and fantastic.
These are some amazing builds that you can easily use instead of just relying on the Chaos skill tree. With so many players using the same tactics in PvP, these builds can give you a tactical advantage and the element of surprise when going against the run-of-the-mill opponent.