Parrying in Elden Ring is the same way you can Parry in, let’s say, Dark Souls 3. You need to have perfect timing, and you also need to know what to do after you finally get the Parry down. It is not easy to learn, but it is worth it once you get the timing down. Many people might question whether Parry Bosses in Elden Ring is possible.
Yes, most bosses are Parriable, and it makes all the fights much easier if you can learn how to Parry each one. It isn’t easy to get down, and you need to learn the movesets of every boss you want to do it to, but it is worth learning.
If you get into Parrying, just know that it is not easy to learn. You need to learn perfect timing, or you will fail a lot. Thankfully, you won’t have difficulty learning it in Elden Ring because it is a bit easier. There are a lot of enemy types in the game you need to learn, though.
1. You can use a Parry Shield

A parry shield is one of your best defenses against a boss’s attacks. When you see the boss’s attack, click the skill button, and the shield will automatically go up. If timed correctly, the shield will reflect the attack at the boss, dealing damage and stunning them.
Make sure to use your parry shield against bosses for the best results. It can help you avoid taking a lot of damage and potentially defeat them more quickly.
For most bosses, it will take a couple of Parries for you to Riposte them, so consider that when trying to Parry. If you aren’t good at Parrying, try doing it a couple of times in the battle, and if you get it, Riposte and give it another try. It is all about timing, and it is up to you to learn every enemy’s timing.
2. You can use a Parrying Dagger
A Parrying Dagger is a great option if you don’t want to use a shield. You can keep it in your left hand while having a better weapon in your right. When you use the skill on the Dagger, it will do what a Parry shield does, and it will Parry just like normal.
It is more fun than a shield, and if you pair it with another similar weapon, you can get dual-wield special attacks.
There isn’t any other reason to use the Dagger over the Shield, so it is up to how you want your build to be. You can have a Parry Shield in your left hand and the Parrying Dagger in the right. It is totally up to how you want to build your character.
3. You can place Ash of War: Parry shields and weapons

If you find the Ash of War called Ash of War: Parry, you can put it on any shield or weapon you have. It is a very cool Ash of War because if you are playing PVP, you might have a weapon that doesn’t have Parry normally but has it on it.
The people you are going up against won’t know what is happening since you can parry them with a normal weapon.
This also works very well on bosses you fight, but obviously, the boss is an AI, so you don’t need to hide that you can Parry them. If you want to use a specific weapon that doesn’t have Parry, you can place this Ash of War on it, so you don’t have to have a shield equipped.
You can also place it on shields if your favorite shield does not have it.
4. You need to memorize the specific Boss’s moveset
To be good at Parrying, you must memorize any moves that a boss makes. As we said before, it will take a couple of Parries to stun them, so you need to be successful multiple times.
This is difficult because you need perfect timing for Riposte, a boss. Riposting deals a ton of damage and is the main way that Parrying does damage.
There are a lot of bosses in the game, but thankfully, many of them have movesets that are pretty easy to follow. You will run into that annoying boss that has delayed attacks, so you need to get the timing down when it comes to those.
5. You can train your Parry on normal enemies
Normal enemies are the best way to practice your Parries. There are thousands of enemies to practice on, and every enemy is different. The best part of regular enemies is that they get revived once you rest at a Site of Grace. This allows you to go and practice on the same enemies without having a boss destroy your health.
If you want to be good at Parrying, you need to practice because it will make life a million times easier for later bosses in the game. Good luck if you don’t parry like most people who play. If you learn how to Parry, it will change how you play this game and other games like it.