With the huge influx of open-world survival games, finding one that stands out is hard. For many, The Forest is a game worth it, and there are some good reasons. It still has all the tropes of a generic survival game, but how it has all been packaged together really helps elevate the experience. Related: …
You’d think that in a game series called “Dark Souls,” they’d at least tell you what to you with all the souls you’re collecting, but it isn’t made obvious. Since Dark Souls 3 was the first game I played in the series, it took me a few minutes to figure out exactly what they are …
There are many different ways to play Dark Souls 3, whether it is a melee build with a giant ax or a ranged build with a bow. Even if you have played through the game many times, there is still another way to play the game that will change how you specifically play. When trying …
If you have ever played Dark Souls 3, you will realize that it has a lot of content put into it. That being said, when the DLCs were finally released for the game, people were very skeptical about whether it was good. Some people thought it was better than the normal game, while others thought …
A long time ago, in a world before Terraria version 1.1, Skeletron was the game’s final boss. I started playing the game years ago on 1.1, and since then, the game has been massively updated. Players often wonder what they’ll do in Terraria after defeating the Wall of Flesh. There’s a lot to do after …
The Forest is a game that you really want to play with other people because of just how creepy it is. It is probably the most unique survival game out there and is also one of the best. What other game allows you to kill cannibals with a chainsaw on a small island. The story …
Sea of Thieves is one of those games that when you first play it, you are just amazed by everything in it. You walk around and see all the different buildings and docks and then you finally see your ship. You go up to it and then walk onto the deck. You pull up the …
Introduction “Farming” in gaming is defined as repeating the same sequence or path over and over again in an effort to find or discover a unique item or accumulate large amounts of currency and/ or experience. Farming has always played a major role in From Software games because many players find it to be a …
The Surge has not had a lot of publicity since its launch in May of 2017, and because of that, not a lot of people know that the game even exists. It was one of those games that dropped off the radar but had much potential. In my opinion, I absolutely loved the game, but …
There are many weapon types like swords, greatswords, axes, hammers, spears, pyromancy, miracles, and many others. Every weapon has a purpose and is used for something different. Each weapon can be infused with a certain material that gives it a different trait. An infusion can also change the damage and stats of the weapon, but …