Dark Souls III is a game that, when you go to play, is never the same the second time you play through it. Even if you choose the same class every time, you should always change how you play anyway because that is the fun of the game, learning something new. One of the most important decisions at the beginning of the game is in the create a character section.
Depending on how you want to play, you should choose a class you want to play. The class you choose will determine how you will play the game. There are 10 different classes to choose from, and here is what each has in store for you when you choose them.

The Knight is the most picked class for starters because it is easy to use. It is also the most recommended of the classes because of the high defense and the 100% physical defense shield it gives you from the start.
Because of the heavier armor, this class has the highest starting Vitality because of all the gear you will have on.
Also, Attunement, Faith, and Intelligence are increased, so if you want to get into some spells in the future, the class allows you to do so. With this class, you start with a Long Sword, Knight Shield, and the Knight Armor set.

The Mercenary is a great class to choose if you want a Dexterity build because of the high amount of Dexterity the class spawns with from the start.
Because of the high Dexterity, you can wield the Sellsword Twinblades, which can be used throughout the game because of its scaling. You can either use one of the swords or dual-wield them to do damaging combos on enemies.
The class also comes with extra Attunement and Intelligence, allowing for spell use in the future. This class comes with the Sellsword Twinblades, Wooden Shield, and the Sellsword Armor set.

The Warrior has the lowest amount of Attunement, Intelligence, and Faith but makes up for it with more Strength. This class has the highest amount of Strength of any other class and is the best choice if you want to go for a full melee build.
This is another great starting class because of its easiness of use and how much damage it does at the beginning of the game. Make sure you are upgrading your defense and damage.
The more you put into the Strength category, the more damage you will do, so ensure you farm those souls. This class has a Battle Axe, Round Shield, and the Northern Armor set.

The Herald is another good starting class because of its long reach and defense from the beginning.
It is perfect for people who want to use melee weapons and get to use Miracles at the same time. Because of its higher magic levels, switching from different builds mid-game is easier because you already have the Attributes for it.
You also get a Spear which makes it easier to hit enemies from longer distances without you taking damage. This class has a Spear, Kite Shield, Talisman, the Heal Aid Miracle, and the Herald Armor set.

The Thief is a harder class to use because of the lower defense that it starts with. The upside to the class is that it has the highest amount of Luck than any other class, which means you can find rarer items faster than other classes.
It is also the only class that starts with a bow. It is a pretty challenging class to master, but if you use this class, props to you if you make it through the entire game for your first playthrough. This class includes Bandit’s Knife, Iron Round Shield, Short Bow, Thief’s Mask, and the Deserter Armor set.

The Assassin is a great starter class if you want a balance between Sorceries and melee weapons. It starts with a great balance between Dexterity and Intelligence, making it the best class for the best possible mix of builds.
It is similar to the ninja of Dark Souls because of how fast you can put out attacks, perfect for taking out enemies individually. It is very good if you want to get into using Thrusting Swords and Sorceries. It also starts with a spell that negates fall damage when it is currently in use.
This class includes the Estoc, Target Shield, Sorcerer’s Staff, Spook, and the Assassin Armor set.

The Sorcerer is the best class to choose if you want to get into all sorts of Sorceries. With its high Attunement and Intelligence, it is easily the best class to use if you want to get into Sorceries and magic builds.
It also has some Luck and Dexterity for extra protection if you run out of FP. The more FP you have, the easier you will have using magic, so make sure you are constantly putting points into your Attunement slot.
This class comes with the Mail Breaker, Sorcerer’s Staff, Leather Shield, Young Dragon Ring, Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow, and the Sorcerer Armor set.

The Pyromancer is a great class for anyone who wants to get into any magic build because of its high Intelligence and Faith that you start with from the beginning.
You can also refine weapons with Chaos to make your Pyromancy even better in the long run, but you must remember that the defense is affected by how much elemental damage you have. It is a hard class to use initially for a starter player but is perfect for the veteran Dark Souls player.
This class has a Hand Axe, Caduceus Round Shield, Pyromancy Flame, Great Swamp Ring, Fire Ball, and the Pyromancer Armor set.

The Cleric has the highest amount of Faith than any other class and has a very good amount of Strength for some good melee damage.
This class is perfect for Miracle builds and is very important because of all the attributes that you can start with. It is one of the only two classes in the game that allows you to start with a Healing item other than Estus Flasks in the beginning.
This class has a Mace, Cleric’s Sacred Chime, Blue Wooden Shield, Heal, Force, and the Cleric Armor set.

Deprived is the hardest class to use in the entire game because it throws you into the game with nothing. If you start the game with this class, good luck because you will die if you don’t know what you are doing.
The class was made for people who want a challenge or if they want to create a specific build as they play. If you put 10 Attributes into each section, you will have a balance of every single build in the game.
You are weak at first, but once you start upgrading the class, you will destroy everything in your path. This class starts with a Club, Plank Shield, and a Loincloth.
In conclusion, your class does not matter much unless you want to go for a specific build. There is a way to change your build later if you want to, but that is not until much later in your playthrough, so make sure you choose the right class.
Whether you choose an easy or harder class to use, if you are starting, you will have a lot of trouble in the game. It is not an easy game to master, so be ready to learn from your mistakes and be patient.