The Artorias of the Abyss DLC in Dark Souls Remastered has many new areas to explore with a total of 5 new bosses that are a lot harder than most of the bosses in the main game. Most players don’t know how to access this DLC since it’s a well-hidden secret. We will go over the specific steps to get to this DLC.
All in all, the Artorias of the Abyss DLC is well worth your time. It is hard, to say the least, but quite rewarding. It also provides a lot of backstory to the events in the main game and shouldn’t be overlooked. Try to complete it in your first playthrough as it gets even more challenging in NG+.
DLC spoilers ahead so read at your discretion!
How to access the DLC

Step 1 – You need to first go to Duke’s Archives and head up the first elevator. You will then see a Crystal Golem up on the right-hand side of the room. When you kill him, he will drop a Broken Pendant which you need later on to open up the portal to Oolacile.
You must also place down the Lord Vessel so you can fast-travel back to the other areas once you reach the DLC world.
Step 2 – Next, head to the bottom area of Darkroot Basin with the giant lake. It is the lake with the Giant Hydra. Kill the monster.
Step 3 – After you kill the Hydra, walk through the water on the left side and follow the cliff. You will eventually come upon a cave with a small amount of water in it. You must fight the Golden Golem in the cave. If he is not there then fast-travel to the bonfire and try again.
Once you kill it, the Dusk of Oolacile will be freed from the Golem and ask you to help save their world.
Step 4 – Accept the quest and she will disappear, and a portal will open up at the end of the cave. Walk through the portal to access the DLC. You will then be grabbed by a giant arm and pulled inside the portal.
The Bosses
There are a total of five different bosses that come with the expansion. These bosses are considered harder than all the other bosses in the game and can be very challenging to defeat. This ultimately makes for a great DLC and some amazing fights.
Sanctuary Guardian

The white-winged lion sanctuary watchkeeper, who dreaded the spread of the Abyss. The Guardian exhibited traits of several animals other than lions, suggesting that it was no ordinary beast, but rather closer to the beings known as Demons.
The Sanctuary Guardian is a huge manticore guarding the entry to Oolacile Sanctuary. It’s a powerful creature that functions as the first boss of the DLC area and a hint for what’s to come.
Knight Artorias

He was one of the four knights of Gwyn and was given the Wolf Ring, which let him wield a Greatsword. He then discovered the art of abysswalking which led him on a journey to defeat any enemies that were in the Abyss.
Even though he was a good guy, he succumbed to the Abyss, and it took over him. He is now one of the hardest bosses in Dark Souls, according to many people.
Black Dragon Kalameet

He is one of the strongest dragons still alive and is encountered by the player several times before he can finally be defeated. The only way to fight him is to get attacked by him and then go speak to Hawkeye Gough after the Artorias of the Abyss boss arena.
He will then shoot down Kalameet so you can fight him on the ground. Once you climb down the ladder into the valley, he will be waiting for you to fight him.
Manus, Father of the Abyss

He is the final boss of the DLC and is probably one of the top 3 hardest bosses in the series. While something of a demon in appearance when encountered by the player, Manus was in fact once human.
He became the Father of the Abyss when his humanity went wild, but it is not known what caused this. According to both Marvelous Chester and Hawkeye Gough, an unidentified Primordial Serpent urged the citizens of Oolacile to delve into the dark of the Abyss, where they awoke this primordial man.
New weapons and armor sets

There are a total of 11 new unique weapons that you can collect throughout the DLC, and they are all worth getting. They are also not just melee; there are magic weapons too if you have a magic build. None of the weapons are missable per se.
There are also 5 new armor sets for you to collect in Dark Souls Remastered, and they are all unique to the DLC. There are also a couple of headgear you can get.
Ultimately, everything that you get in the DLC is worth it since it is unique and easy to use. There are also countless numbers of other items that you can find like rings and souls.
New worlds and enemies

There are a total of 7 new Bonfire locations that take you through a new world that is different from any place you have seen in the series before.
Not only are there new worlds to explore, but there are also new enemies to fight and they all have different moves and weapons. Not counting the bosses, there are 7 new enemies that you will fight throughout the DLC, and they are paired up with many you have fought before.
Is it worth your time?
The challenging nature of the DLC makes the answer to this question very subjective. It is worth playing because it gives you something else that is different but still has the feeling that you ultimately love. If you want more of the Dark Souls experience, then you shouldn’t ignore this.
Not to mention, the DLC is chock-full of memorable content. It comes with the remastered package so there is little point in skipping it.
The DLC is a really good add-on to Dark Souls Remastered because of all the content it adds. It is just up to the player whether or not they want to take the time and play it. It is worth it for the bosses alo