Sea of Thieves is full of surprises if you have not played in a very long time. While you are traveling through the world, anything could happen to you whether you get attacked by a Megalodon, or you find an expensive piece of treasure floating in the water. The absolute best part of the game …
Finally, the Masterchief Collection is on PC, something a lot of people were asking for from Microsoft for years. The games have been out for a very long time, it seems like they could have come out with it earlier, but that is the way they did it so we can’t complain. If you are …
In Red Dead Redemption 2, there is a system that has changed a lot from the previous game, and that is the honor system. This time around, honor changes a lot about the story instead of just the free roam aspect of the game. From reputation to discounts, honor changes almost every aspect of the …
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a very large game that is probably one of the best looking games of all time. With its beautiful landscapes and amazing realistic mechanics, it is a masterpiece that not a lot of games can compare to. As there are pros of the game, there came a lot of cons …
Dark Souls is essentially the birthplace of what is now known as a soul-like genre. The remastered version just brings it to the new era of high framerates and better textures. If you are a fan of this category of games, then this game is well worth the look. Here are the reasons that Dark …
While you’re unable to get wings in Pre-hardmode, you should strive to get wings as soon as you beat the Wall of Flesh. The only problem is that Terraria never tells you actually how to get them. The first time I played Terraria I couldn’t wait to get wings, but I had no clue how …
The Artorias of the Abyss DLC in Dark Souls Remastered has many new areas to explore with a total of 5 new bosses that are a lot harder than most of the bosses in the main game. Most players don’t know how to access this DLC since it’s a well-hidden secret. We will go over …
Modern Warfare can be very hard for a new person to learn, but once you get the hang of the game, you will easily be getting a high K/D ratio and winning every match you play. Before you start playing the game, there are a bunch of things that you should know and do when …
Apex Legends is a Battle Royale that is not easy to get the hang of. It took me a while to start getting wins because the time to kill is very high. People seem like bullet sponges in the game but that is just how it is made. If you just started playing Apex Legends …
Destiny 2 was huge when it first released, but since then, there has been even more content made for the game. Not only is there the main campaign to play, but you have also got hundreds of other things to do as well so you don’t get bored of the same thing. Before you start …