While stumbling around in the Shrine of Storms Archstone, you will face the Old Hero, a story boss in Demon’s Souls. If you notice, he is blind, but this does not stop him from putting you down for good. There is one item that will make this fight extremely easy. It is a very cool …
Next on the list of bosses in Demon’s Souls is Fool’s Idol. This is most likely going to be your fourth boss. Fighting her will require more brains than brawn so it is time to get those mental juices flowing. There are a few things you need to do before you want to fight her, …
Demon’s Souls laid a very strong foundation for the Dark Souls games. It might not be the most difficult souls game out there, but the name surely stands out. There are tons of bosses for you to test your skills against in Demon’s Souls, and they all require different tactics to be dealt with. Some …
The Witch of Hemwick is arguably the most pathetic boss in Bloodborne or even all of Soulsborne series. This boss is completely optional and we would have skimmed over her if she wasn’t hiding one of the more important items in the game. Related: Ranking the Bloodborne Bosses by Difficulty With the help of this …
Darkbeast Paarl in Bloodborne is a morbid rendition of Pikachu. This skeletal cat is covered in lightning and has a ferocity to match its beastly qualities. The boss is optional, but you should defeat him to get the chance to befriend Djura, the Gatling gun dude, on top of the tower in Old Yharnam. Related: …
The One Reborn is a grotesque abomination of a boss in Bloodborne. He is not an optional boss and thus must be defeated to progress to Nightmare of Mensis. Luckily, he is a pretty straightforward boss to fight. This detailed guide to beating this boss will make it even easier, and soon, he will be …
Don’t be fooled by the boss’s name, Rom the Vacuous Spider isn’t as mindless of an insect as his name and initial interaction suggests. Rom is one of the more surprisingly difficult non-optional boss fights in Bloodborne, catching you off guard with his army of spiders and devastating magic attacks. Related: Ranking the Bloodborne Bosses …
Vicar Amelia is an innocent overgrown Golden Retriever of a boss in Bloodborne. She must be defeated to progress the world to nighttime, applying some crucial changes to the game. Don’t let her harmless looks get to you, she is a vicious beast, ready to rip you apart at a moment’s notice. Related: Ranking the …
Born in the darkness of the demonic plague is the Armor Spider, the fourth boss in Demon’s Souls. Fighting against this colossal spider is no easy feat especially if you fail to understand what you are getting yourself into. If only there was a guide on how to easily beat the Armor Spider in Demon’s …
As you progress through the game, you will face the Tower Knight, the third Archstone boss in Demon’s Souls. This giant knight is going to put up quite the fight along with the supporting archers surrounding the arena. Coming out on the top is going to require sound planning and some strategically placed shots. Related: …