When it comes to upgrading your weapons, you will need a ton of upgrade materials. This means trying to find every way possible to get as many of these materials as possible. The next upgrade material you need after the Titanite Shard is the Large Titanite Shard. These are a bit harder to get, but it is still very easy if you know how to get them.
There are only 3 ways to farm and get Large Titanite Shards. You can defeat specific enemies, purchase them from the Shrine Handmaid, or find them around the game world.
If you need any more than how many you already have, then we can say that there are over 30 Titanite Shards that you can find lying around. All the rest have an unlimited supply of them, but it is relatively difficult to obtain them steadily. You will only need 12 shards to get one weapon to +6.
1. Drops from specific enemies

There are a bunch of enemies in the game that drop Large Titanite Shards. The only downside is that it isn’t a guaranteed drop for the Shards themselves. Some have a 10% chance to drop, and others have a 100% chance of dropping.
It just depends on the enemy you are fighting. Obviously, the farther you get into the game, the higher the chance they drop.
The best spot to farm for these Large Titanite Shards is the enemies in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. There are many enemy types there, and they all have a chance to drop them.
If you will farm enemies, this is probably your best bet for getting them quicker than others. If you are looking for many of them, buying them might be the better option.
- Red-Eyed Knights – Usually found in Lothric Castle
- Winged Knight – Usually found in Lothric Castle
- Fire Witches – Usually found in the courtyard area of Irithryll of the Boreal Valley
- Silver Knights – Usually found in Anor Londo
- Giant Crabs – Usually found around the Demon Ruins area
- Large Skeletons – Usually found in the Catacombs of Carthus
- Smouldering Lake enemies – These are the enemies found all over the Smouldering Lake area
- Ascended Winged Knight Trio – Found on the roof of the Grand Archives
2. Purchasable from Shrine Handmaid
They are purchasable from the Shrine Handmaid for 4,000 Souls, but you must find an item first. If you don’t know, you can find Ashes around the world that you can give to the Handmaid, and it will actually increase the stock from her shop. You need to find the Easterner’s Ashes and give them to her.
Once you do that, she will sell you Large Titanite Shards for 4,000 Souls a piece. This is probably the best way to get them since she has an unlimited number of them to sell to you. As long as you have the Souls, she will sell them to you. You only need 12 Large Titanite Shards per weapon, so you will only need 24,000 Souls per weapon for +6.
3. Found around the world

The only other way to get Large Titanite Shards is to find them around the game world. There are 7 areas that have Large Titanite Shards within them, and you can find around 37 Large Titanite Shards in total. Any other ones you get, you either have to purchase or farm for.
You can find Titanite Shards in the High Wall of Lothric, Farron Keep, Cathedral of the Deep, Catacombs of Carthus, Smouldering Lake, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, and Irithyll Dungeon.
Why should I stock up on Large Titanite Shards?
There are plenty of Large Titanite Shards in the game to allow for a ton of upgrades. If you want to try out a new weapon and don’t want to spend a ton of upgrade materials on it, you can purchase 12 Large Titanite Shards from the Handmaid for 24,000 Souls. You can then return to a relatively easy area and test the weapon.
It is totally up to you, but we would highly recommend purchasing many of them from the Shrine Handmaid so you have them for the future. You are going to need them for upgrades, so try to stock up on as many as you can get. Go farm enemies, purchase them, or explore the world to find them. No matter how you do it, you will find what you seek.