Dark Souls is filled with quirky characters and you never know where their quest will take you and what future interactions will you be presented with. There are times when these quests can make a u-turn and totally surprise you while others are somewhat orthodox, though mind you orthodox in From Software case is very …
Do you want to find out if you or your friend is better at CS:GO? Do you ever get called out by strangers and want to put them in their place? Do you want a fun and engaging map in the game, that is visually stunning and mechanically stellar? Well then this tier list is …
Elden Ring is a huge game, and the only guiding light that moves you along the Lands Between is that insanely gargantuan luminous tree, Erdtree. The entire goal of the game is to reach this tree and become the Elden Lord to fix the ruined world, but in the traditional, From Software way, the goal …
We have made many lists for several specific weapon types for Dark Souls 3, but the most interesting weapons you can choose are the Daggers. They are great for Dexterity builds and a great weapon if you want to deal some high critical damage. There are quite a few Daggers in the game. Remember that …
Ever since Destiny 2 went Free-to-Play there have been a massive surge of players who have picked up the game. This surge reached its apex with the release of their new expansion pack called The Witch Queen. However, there are many PlayStation players who are yet confused if you can play Destiny 2 without a …
Ever since Destiny 2 went Free-to-Play there have been a massive surge of players who have picked up the game. This surge reached its apex with the release of their new expansion pack called The Witch Queen. However, there are many Xbox console players who are yet confused if you can play Destiny 2 without …
Minecraft is a collect-a-thon, and you always seek to gather as much material as possible. These materials can help you build the right tools or structures for better interactivity with your world in Minecraft. There is always a chance or probability associated with getting the desired loot from its source, so there is randomness at …
If you’re looking to thrive in your Rust server then chances are you’ve probably heard of Bunker Bases. Bunker bases are exceptionally good at safeguarding your materials, weapons and tools. So it is no surprise that people test out different Bunker Base builds, in order to come up with the most efficient, and powerful Bunker …
Fortnite is the most popular Battle Royale video game right now, and is teaming with various game modes for you to enjoy. One of these game modes is the 1v1 Battle mode. In this mode, you can compete, in various maps and locations, with your friends, or strangers online, in an intense combat scenario that …
Traditionally games have had difficulty settings that players could tweak to make the experience more bearable and in some cases make it even more challenging. There is always a debate present amongst gamers where some deem it integral to their decision to play a game. In contrast, others just want to be able to pick …