From Software games are always brimming with all types of locations. Some must progress the game, while others are hidden behind unassuming methods or paths.
These optional locations add to the world’s lore or are somehow connected to NPC quests. There are many reasons why they exist; exploring them is the best way to figure them out.
If you know Ranni’s story arc, that whole side quest will take you to two different subterranean hidden cities: Nokron, Eternal City, and Nokstella, Eternal City. These are necessary to complete her quest and are some of the most beautiful locations within Elden Ring.
- Nokron will be accessible when you defeat Starscourge Radahn, and the star falls in Limgrave, where a massive crater will be in the ground. Descending this hole will lead you to this city.
- Nokstella will be accessible by following Ranni’s quest when she disappears, and Renna’s Rise is unlocked. There will be a portal in this building that will teleport you to this location. Also, from Deeproot Depth, you can use the coffin near the waterfall’s edge to travel here.
Nokron, Eternal City

You will first come into contact with the region that houses this city when you travel down the Siofra River Well in Limgrave. You can discover this area, but there is no way to get to the exact city from this particular area.
The Nokron Eternal City is a ruined ancient city just above the Siofra River. Though this city is located underneath a water body, there is a whole ecosystem of animals and weird citizens living here. It has some large spaces to ride Torrent with its own vegetation growing and a purple sky full of mesmerizing stars, a beautiful sight indeed.

Technically there is another way of getting here, by using the Waygate at the Four Belfries in Liurnia of the Lakes that take you to Nokron, Eternal City (Imbued Sword Key required). But this Waygate sends you to just a small section of the city where you can only fight an optional Lesser Crucible Knight, not much else here to do.
The real way of accessing Nokron, Eternal City is when you have defeated Starscourge Radahn, and the cutscene plays out where a shooting star impacts somewhere in the Lands Between. This star crashes on the southern side of Mistwood in Limgrave.

Upon reaching the location marked above, you will see a huge crater with debris suspended in the air. Descend this hole, and soon you will arrive in the Nokron, Eternal City. It has a lot to discover here especially considering that it has an important item related to Ranni’s quest and ending.
Nokstella, Eternal City

This is the sister Eternal city of Nokron. A hint of this city is experienced when you reach Ainsel River from Liurnia of the Lakes. But it’s just a hint, and the right way of discovering it will be mentioned below.
Like Nokron, Nokstella is also an ancient ruined city above the Ainsel River. This is a subterranean city that has its own unique type of enemies and giant ants, some enemies are even riding these giant ants.
This place also has the Mimic Tear spirit summon one of the best spirits you could get hold of, location linked here. This city shares the same kind of aesthetics as its sister city with stars all over though there are some differentiating things that you can spot.
There are two ways of getting to Nokstella, Eternal City:

The first way, if you have progressed Ranni’s quest to the point where you have acquired Fingerslayer Blade, then give the blade to Ranni.
She will ask you to go to Nokstella and give access to Renna’s Rise, which has a Waygate that teleports you to Ainsel River Main. From here, you can follow the relatively straight path that leads to Nokstella. To follow Ranni’s quest, check the video linked below.
The second way to gain access to Nokstella and bypass Ranni’s quest is by going to the Deeproot Depth location, which you can go to by killing the Valiant Gargoyle in Siofra Aqueduct or through a hidden passage near the Frenzied Flame Proscription grace in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.
Once in the Deeproot area, you can use the coffin located near the western edge of the map to travel to Ainsel River Main and follow along the path to get to Nokstella. The Coffin location is marked below. You can also use this link to understand better how to reach Deeproot Depths.