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The world of Minecraft is made up of an unending supply of blocks and resources. Such blocks are further classified into units called Chunks. The Minecraft engine works on these specific chunks and loads them according to the player’s movements.  A chunk will de-load when the distance between the player and that specific chunk increases …

Read More about This is How to Keep a Chunk Loaded in Minecraft

The world of Lost Ark is exceptionally expansive. With a range of raiding options, you will rarely experience boredom, and the guardian raids are a prime example. They let you and your teammates encounter several challenges and grant high-quality rewards in exchange. The game recommends joining these raids as a group. However, a freak of …

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The world of Minecraft features tons of naturally occurring phenomena that are present at the time of world creation. Such creations are located at random locations in a Minecraft world and provide brand-new opportunities for exploration.  Strongholds are one such unique areas that can be found naturally underground. The importance of a stronghold is immense …

Read More about Are There Multiple Strongholds in a Minecraft World?

Terraria houses many friendly automated NPCs that provide different services to the player. They have unique world messages attached to their kits and can sometimes do inconceivable stuff. NPCs dying is quite common in Terraria, but what if they just choose to leave instead? Most NPCs appear in Terraria after various milestones related to game …

Read More about What Does It Mean When the Angler Has Left in Terraria?

How to play a soul-like game has been a battle many people fight. Should you play with a keyboard and mouse or a controller? To answer the question plainly, it is entirely your opinion which way you choose. Some people prefer more accurate movements with a controller. One big question is if you can play …

Read More about Can You Play Elden Ring With a Keyboard and Mouse?