Elden Ring houses some great weapons and amazing skills that can be used and fused to create various fantastic combat styles. Many of these combinations result in crazy-looking builds and executions. But then some skills and weapons in this game are easily ignored due to their meme potential and general uselessness. But if you use …
Dark Souls 3 has a lot of customization when it comes to builds. The most important part of your build besides your weapon is what Rings you choose to equip. You can only have 4 Rings equipped at once, and each one can give you bonuses like more defense or even boosts to your damage. …
ARPGs provide multiple avenues of exploration and skill expression. Whether it’s in the form of gathering resources or optimizing your build. There’s always something new to learn and experience. Getting started with learning is a slow process yet it is extremely beneficial. To get started, you need to collect your desired items. However, many of …
The concept of Decorations is rarely encountered in ARPGs. You get to battle monsters, get stronger and rule the world and that’s it. So where the heck did these decorations come from? The answer might be completely different than what one might expect. Needless to say, the decorations in Monster Hunter World behave a bit …
Armor is a vital part of any ARPG. It not only increases your defensive capabilities but also enables you to go in and fight head-on with monsters. These defensive capabilities directly translate to your survivability in boss fights. Monster Hunter World Features Items that enable you to increase the capabilities of your armor by enhancing …
From Software games never ceases to amaze with their wide array of weapons and the freedom to create a build of your specific taste. This is most evident in their latest outing Elden Ring as the choice has gone through the roof to the point of feeling cumbersome when deciding which type of build to …
Getting beat down repeatedly in a game like Elden Ring can be extremely frustrating, especially when you want to have fun with each enemy you encounter. Although it can be very annoying, believe us when we say this is how the game is intended to work. There are many ways to avoid getting one-shotted by …
Elden Ring is full of questlines, and all of them are extremely in-depth. Each quest has multiple choices in them, and you can choose how each of them ends. Everything you do in the game affects someone else, and it is up to you to determine exactly what to do when you talk to each …
Summons is an extremely helpful tool in Elden Ring, and they are there to help take the aggro of the boss or enemies off of you so you can have an easier time getting through the game. There are a ton of Summons in the game, and they are all helpful in one way or …
Regarding FromSoft games, they all generally work the same way. Saving your game is also a very important aspect of your playthrough because if something happens, like a crash or your PC shuts off, you want a system that lets you start the game right where you left off, no matter what happens. Yes, Elden …