Rainbow Six Siege is a relatively new game that has very fun gameplay when it comes to its weapons. The game has many game modes that require you to use a certain Operator, and each of the Operators has their own arsenal of weapons and customizations to choose from. Probably the most important attachment to …
If you have ever played any Battle Royales, you will probably have heard of or even played Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment’s Battle Royale based on the game Titanfall. When playing the game, you will have a choice to be a Legend. A Legend is a character that you can play as and each of them …
In the game’s early stages, your gear selection is pretty limited. While many more armor sets and weapons will be unlocked later, you must know the best pre-hard mode gear to make your initial journey easier in Terraria. The best pre-hardmode weapon and armor selection in Terraria comes down to what type of build you’re …
Dark Souls 2 is a Soulsbourne game that the audience was split into 2 sections for people who like the game and people who don’t like it. There was a lot of controversy about whether Dark Souls 2 was a good game or not but you can’t really tell if it is a good game …
Borderlands 3 is a pretty long game when it comes to its story content. The best thing that 2K did is make the endgame content really good. True Vault Hunter Mode and Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode is back and has been upgraded by the use of the new mode. Mayhem Mode is what it is …
Have you ever looked into your piggy bank and wished it was full of platinum? Are you tired of saving up for your next reforges or purchases? The best ways to make money in Terraria are by selling easy-to-find materials, farming-specific bosses, and farming events. Related: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Terraria Look no further …
Borderlands 3 is the game all of the Borderlands fans were asking for. The last game that 2k released was Borderlands Pre-Sequel, but in my opinion, it wasn’t as good as Borderlands 2. Since Borderlands 3 was released, it has been a success that has made many fans of BL2 happy. Not only did it …
It doesn’t take you very long to realize that you’re gonna need a buttload of scrap to progress. Whether it be for researching, crafting a workbench, or buying items from vending machines, you need to know the right ways to get it. Not everyone has that one friend that spends hours a day farming scrap …
Dark Souls is a game that exemplifies the difficulty in almost every aspect and never holds your hand for one second. After spending hundreds of hours combing through Dark Souls Remastered, I have a clear knowledge of how leveling up works and what effects the player will experience for picking one stat to bolster over …
When you think of a game that you have to drive around, you usually think of Need for Speed or Forza Horizon, where you have to complete races and do objectives. Rocket League has a very different spin on how you are to play its game versus all the other car games. Rocket League is …