The Blood-Starved Beast is an optional boss in Bloodborne found in Old Yharnam. The boss is quite challenging owing to its breakneck attack speed and the ability to passively build up poison. Many new players have quit the game because of this dreaded boss but you don’t have to. The bosses in Bloodborne are not …
Vanguard is technically the first boss you are going to take on in Demon Souls. You will face him while you are finishing the tutorial. It does not matter if you defeat him or not because the game will continue either way. It is a very easy fight if you know what you are doing, …
Father Gascoigne is the first main boss of Bloodborne and can’t be skipped. To even the playing field, you have to employ everything the game’s combat has to offer, or else you are in a world of hurt. He is the bane of many new Hunters and a true representation of the fast-paced mechanics of …
Phalanx is going to be the second boss you are going to face in Demon Souls while protecting Boletaria from the deadly demonic plague. This blob of a monster is a slow-moving creature who is constantly surrounded by his little minions called the Hoplites. Related: Ranked: Every Souls-Borne Game Ever To make sure you are …
The Cleric Beast is the first optional boss you’ll come across in Bloodborne. He is a huge werewolf-y monster, which seems intimidating at first, but compared to Father Gascoigne, the first main boss, he is a pushover. It is an optional boss, so you can skip it, but it is best to hone your skills …
Mana is a stat similar to HP and Stamina in Lords of the Fallen and is required to cast any type of magic spell. It is a limited resource and needs to be replenished. Does mana regenerate on its own in Lords of the Fallen? The question remains, and we are here to answer it. …
Elianne The Starved will be the final domino you must tip as part of the Umbral ending in Lords of the Fallen. She will appear upon Soulflaying Pieta when you find her in Mother’s Lull. While their moveset may bear similarities, Elianne will make quick work of you if you underestimate her. Related: How Many …
The Sundered Monarch is the final non-optional Colossal boss of Lords of the Fallen. His giant stature hides a very agile majesty, and he reigns with a fiery fist, quite literally! He is not that difficult for a final encounter if you know his moveset. Related: How Many Bosses Are in Lords of the Fallen …
Your success in Lords of the Fallen, much like any other Souls game, is largely based on how good your build is. If this is your first rodeo or even a veteran, you can still make mistakes while putting together your first build, or you change your mind about your playstyle halfway through. Whatever your …
The Lightreaper will stay a thorn in your side from the very beginning. He is one of the starting bosses of Lords of the Fallen, although you are supposed to lose the first time you face him. But don’t worry, you’ll get your revenge against this annoying little prick, but it won’t be easy. You …