The side boss list of Elden Ring is absolutely sprawling with various levels of quality and difficulty. The game boasts well over 130 of them although many of them are exact copies of previous fights and some only minor variations on previous fights.
My rankings are based on a few factors. A. How early might a player stumble into this fight? (AKA is it a high possibility that the player is underleveled?) B. Is the fight a variation of a previously learned one that would give the player a big advantage? and C. How much did I shudder to think about having to fight them ever again?
The only requirement to make it on this list was having the large healthbar across the bottom of the screen. (With the exception of Elder Dragon Greyoll.) This makes many of the common field encounters null and void even though they are many times the exact same fight as their boss counterparts.
As tempting as it would be to go into great detail about each and every one, I think you are just going to have to play the game for yourself and see if our opinions line up on how hard they kicked our butts when we weren’t bringing our A game. Here is my attempt to list the difficulty of the 89 unique side boss encounters found in the Lands Between.
89. Soldier of Godrick

Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Stranded Graveyard
88. Elder Dragon Greyoll
Not technically a boss, but a big dragon worth a lot of runes so get to killing the elderly.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Dragonbarrow
87. Miranda the Blighted Bloom
An immobile flower with long attack windups. Thank you Elden Ring!
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Weeping Peninsula- Tombsward Cave, Altus Plateau- Perfumer’s Grotto
86. Crystalian
Heavy attack.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel
85. Adan, Thief of Fire
Killed him as he spawned in. I don’t even know what he looks like.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Melefactor’s Evergaol
84. Battlemage Hugues
Just a dude.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Sellia Evergaol
83. Necromancer Garris
Just a dude with a different name.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Sage’s Cave
82. Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest
Geez. I know you’re really old but can you at least try.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Sellia, Town of Sorcery
81. Tibia Mariner
These guys are Elden Ring’s take on fetch quests. Go find the guy in the boat and smack him. Now do it again.
Occurrences: 4
Location(s): Limgrave- Summonwater Village, Liurnia of the Lakes- Artist’s Shack, Mt. Gelmir- Wyndham Ruins, Mountaintop of the Giants- Snow Valley Ruins Overlook
80. Esgar, Priest of Blood
Yet another dude with, at the very least, a cooler name.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Leyndell- Leyndell Catacombs
79. Patches

Hello, darkness my old friend.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Murkwater Cave
78. Stray Mimic Tear
Insert “Spider-man meme fight” meme here.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Forbidden Lands- Hidden Path to the Haligtree
77. Sanguine Noble
I wasn’t the one losing a lot of blood.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Writheblood Ruins
76. Magma Wyrm
He can take a beating laying down and standing up!
Occurrences: 3
Location(s): Caelid-Gael Tunnel, Mt. Gelmir- Fort Laiedd, Mt. Gelmir- Volcano Manor
75. Mad Pumpkin Head
More like Mildly Irritated Pumpkin Head.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Decayed Ruins
74. Demi-Human Queen Gilka, Maggie, and Margot
Different names, same exact fights.
Occurrences: 3
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Lux Ruins, Mt. Gelmir- Volcano Cave, Mt. Gelmir- Hermit Village
73. Cemetery Shade
Freaked me out at first, then I hit him once and saw his health bar. Fear gone.
Occurrences: 3
Location(s): Limgrave- Tombsward Catacombs, Caelid- Caelid Catacombs, Liurnia of the Lakes- Black Knife Catacombs
72. Scaly Misbegotten
Hewg sends his regards.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Weeping Peninsula- Morne Tunnel
71. Fia’s Champions
Yeeeaaaaaah…..You’re gonna need to hire some new help.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Deeproot Depths- Across the Roots
70. Cleanrot Knight

As long as her commander doesn’t show up you should be just fine.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Stillwater Cave
69. Commander O’Neil
What a difference a few letters of the alphabet and the use of a horse (well, magical reindeer) can make!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Inner Aeonia
68. Alabaster Lord
Been there. Done that. Got the breastplate.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Royal Grave Evergaol
67. Guardian Golem
You dropped your shield Tower Knight!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Highroad Cave
66. Frenzied Duelist
I know you’re angry now but you should have learned some new moves.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Gaol Cave
65. Crystalian Duo
Bring the club to these two women!
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Academy Crystal Tunnel, Altus Plateau- Altus Tunnel
64. Bols, Carian Knight
The bigger they are….
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Cuckoo’s Evergaol
63. Ancient Hero of Zamor
You still move pretty well for an old guy.
Occurrences: 3
Location(s): Weeping Peninsula- Weeping Evergaol, Mountaintops of the Giants- Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave, Altus Plateau- Sainted Hero’s Grave
62. Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable
Yet another normal dude, at least he has a few tricks up his sleeve if you let him live long enough.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mountaintops of the Giants- Lord Contender’s Evergaol
61. Stonedigger Troll

Dark Souls 2? Is that you?
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Limgrave- Limgrave Tunnels, Altus Plateau- Old Altus Tunnel
60. Omenkiller
I’m not quite sure why but I think his arena is missing something. A staircase maybe?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Village of the Albinaurics
59. Cleanrot Knight Duo
I love fighting these ladies, but I love killing them too.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Abandoned Cave
58. Beastman of Farum Azula
I had a feeling I’d be seeing more of these guys…..
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Limgrave- Groveside Cave, Caelid- Dragonbarrow Cave
57. Omenkiller and Miranda the Blighted Bloom
I think he traded in his dogs for some magic beans.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Perfumer’s Grotto
56. Kindred of Rot

This is for what happened to me in Sellia you monsters!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mt. Gelmir- Seethewater Cave
55. Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Three Headed)
I thought Cerberus was supposed to be a dog. This thing is definitely a cat.
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Cliffbottom Catacombs, Mt. Gelmir- Wyndham Catacombs
54. Dragonkin Soldier
Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure the second one out.
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Siofra River- Worshipper’s Woods, Lake of Rot
53. Mad Pumpkin Head Duo
Why are you so angry? Look, you even have a friend to hang out with down here!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Caelem Ruins
52. Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
I would say putrid is a pretty good word here.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Consecrated Snowfield- Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs
51. Misbegotten Crusader
I would have though lizard people were cold-blooded but what do I know?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Consecrated Snowfield- Cave of the Forlorn
50. Erdtree Avatar
You seem vaguely familiar to me… Have we met before?
Occurrences: 5
Location(s): Weeping Peninsula- Minor Erdtree, Liurnia of the Lakes- Southwest Minor Erdtree, Liurnia of the Lakes- Northeast Minor Erdtree, Caelid- Minor Erdtree, Mountaintops of the Giants- Minor Erdtree
49. Red Wolf of the Champion

This one is a bit more bark than bite.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mt. Gelmir- Gelmir Hero’s Grave
48. Onyx Lord
Is Onyx a higher or lower tier than Alabaster? I honestly have no idea. Seemed a bit higher.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Sealed Tunnel
47. Night’s Cavalry
The first one had me going for a bit. The rest felt like chumps.
Occurrences: 8
Location(s): (Nighttime Only!) Limgrave- Agheel Lake North, Weeping Peninsula- Castle Morne Rampart, Liurnia of the Lakes- Gate Town Bridge, Liurnia of the Lakes- Bellum Church, Caelid- Caelid Highway, Caelid- Dragonbarrow, Altus Plateau- Altus Highway Junction, Forbidden Lands
46. Death Bird
Once upon a time I was scared to fight these guys, then I met their big brothers!
Occurrences: 4
Location(s): (Nighttime Only!) Limgrave- Warmaster’s Shack, Weeping Peninsula- Castle Morne, Liurnia of the Lakes- Scenic Isle, Leyndell Capital Outskirts- Hermit Merchant’s Shack
45. Fell Twins
I thought there were supposed to be four of you guys! And where are your crowns?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Leyndell-Capital Outskirts
44. Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Look at all these flask beetles! What are they all doing here for? Oh…..
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Crustalline Woods
43. Putrid Crystalian Trio
“Oh, you know what I would really love? Having to scramble for my life to separate three of those crystal ladies from each other so I can smash them with a hammer! Oh and make them infect me with Scarlet Rot!” -No One Ever
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Sellia Hideaway
42. Night’s Cavalry Duo
They shall brook thee no quarter indeed.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): (Nighttime Only!) Consecrated Snowfield- Inner Consecrated Snowfield
41. Grave Warden Duelist
I was looking forward to finding the area that these guys would be the common enemy in. Still haven’t found it yet…
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Limgrave- Murkwater Catacombs, Leyndell- Auriza Side Tomb
40. Flying Dragon Greyll
From Soft really has a thing for dragons on bridges huh?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Dragonbarrow
39. Bloodhound Knight Darriwil

From Soft really has a thing for men crouched on all four like some kind of dog huh?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Forlorn Hound Evergaol
38. Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader
I would like to thank you in advance for all of your daughter’s help to me on my journey.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s):Liurnia of the Lakes- Ringleader’s Evergaol
37. Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Fun Fact: These guys were supposed to be in Dark Souls 3 before they were cut in favor of a different enemy type. Not Fun Fact: These guys are in Elden Ring.
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Limgrave- Fringefolk Hero’s Grave, Mountaintops of the Giant- Giant’s Mountaintop Catacombs
36. Spirit-Caller Snail
This ranking is really in reference to the first time you “fight” him. After that he is more like in the high 80’s.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Road’s End Catacombs
35. Putrid Tree Spirit
Kill it with fire!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- War-Dead Catacombs
34. Perfumer Tricia and Misbegotten Warrior
Man, it almost seems like this game is designed to take advantage of the new summoning abilities while also providing the average player with fun levels of overcome-able challenges. Crazy.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mt. Gelmir- Unsightly Catacombs
33. Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Single Head)
Ladies and Gentlemen, my first death in Elden Ring. Not my second mind you, but indeed my first.
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Limgrave- Stormfoot Catacombs, Weeping Peninsula- Impaler’s Catacombs
32. Crucible Knight Siluria
I had a pretty good handle on these guys by the time I found this one. He still whooped on me pretty good though.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Deeproot Depths- The Nameless Eternal City
31. Decaying Ekzykes
I find it a little ironic that the sick one has a name that sounds like a sneeze.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Caelid Highway South
30. Black Knife Assassin
Say what you will about Crossbreed Priscilla, but at least she didn’t stab me in the back.
Occurrences: 3
Location(s): Limgrave- Deathtouched Catacombs, Liurnia of the Lakes- Black Knife Catacombs, Altus Plateau- Sage’s Cave
29. Abductor Virgin Duo
Agh! I just got kidnapped by a freaky-looking living Iron Maiden! Phew! Looks like I am on some mountain now. Glad I won’t be running into any of them again anytime soon!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mt. Gelmir- Subterranean Inquisition Chamber
28. Great Wyrm Theodorix
He’s pretty good, I just wouldn’t necessarily call him great.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Consecrated Snowfield- Albinauric Rise
27. Godefroy the Grafted
Ok From Soft, I understand renaming the reskins to make them easier to identify, but Godefroy? Sounds like a name my three year old would come up with.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Golden Lineage Evergaol
26. Godskin Apostle/ Godskin Noble (Spirit-Calling Snail)
Now listen snail! I know that I killed your brother a while back but why did you have to go bringing these two into our business!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mountaintops of the Giants- Spiritcaller Cave
25. Fallingstar Beast
From Soft really has a thing for armor-clad farm animals….. Wait! Are those pincers and a stinger!?
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Caelid- Sellia Crystal Tunnel, Altus Plateau- Outer Wall Phantom Tree
24. Wormface
And the award for “Most Aptly and Efficiently Named Boss” goes to…….
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Minor Erdtree
23. Glintstone Dragon Adula
So that’s where you ran off to! Silly old dragon!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Moonlight Altar
22. Runebear

Big boss. Small room. This is gonna go really well….
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Weeping Peninsula- Earthbore Cave
21. Borealis the Freezing Fog
There is definetely fog. There is definetely freezing. Everything check out here.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Mountaintops of the Giants- First Church of Marika
20. Tree Sentinel Duo
Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl V.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Leyndell- Royal Capital Outskirts
19. Flying Dragon Agheel

His entry belongs in a top ten “Made me almost have to get a change of pants” moments article that is later to come.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Dragon-Burnt Ruins
18. Erdtree Burial Watchdog Duo
Hope you enjoy rolling a lot! (Ps. Bring some Crystal Darts, you can thank me later!)
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Minor Erdtree Catacombs
17. Ancient Dragon Lansseax
Yet another dragon to chicken out and then reappear when you least expect it. At least this fight is a lot of fun though.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- Rampartside Path
16. Mohg, the Omen
A simpler version of my favorite fight in all of Elden Ring. Also, this guy is totally a pedophile so enjoy kicking his butt!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Leyndell- Subterranean Shunning Grounds
15. Demi-Human Chief Duo
Let sleeping semi-evolved monkey people lie!
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Coastal Cave
14. Crucible Knight and Crucible Knight Ordovis
Ornstein and Ornstein, Inc.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Leyndell- Auriza Hero’s Grave
13. Black Blade Kindred
If the only way you can get to him is from behind, you are too weak to take on this fight. Trust me.
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Caelid- Bestial Sanctum, Forbidden Lands
12. Putrid Avatar
“Okay, so she has Scarlet Rot now. How much harder can she actually be?” -Everyone Ever
Occurrences: 4
Location(s): Caelid- Western Minor Erdtree, Caelid- Northern Minor Erdtree, Consecrated Snowfield- Minor Erdtree
11. Astel, Stars of Darkness

Easier than the first time because his arena is smaller and he can’t teleport away as far. Harder than the first time because of every other conceivable thing.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Consecrated Snowfield- Yelough Anix Tunnel
10. Crucible Knight and Leonine Misbegotten
Yeah hey man, Crucible Knight is at the front door…. He said there was a beatdown going on and he wants to get in on the action.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Caelid- Redmane Castle
9. Elemer of the Briar
I knew all of his moves by the time I faced him. (I had a bit of practice….) It didn’t help that his tiny arena was littered with dining furniture though.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Altus Plateau- The Shaded Castle
8. Tree Sentinel

The definition of a spawn camper. And a massively over-leveled one at that.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- The First Step
7. Royal Revenant
Abandon all hope! Ye who enter here! (Except for Faith builds tailored around miracle healing specifically.)
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Liurnia of the Lakes- Kingsrealm Ruins
6. Bell Bearing Hunter
Whatever you do, don’t trespass on this guy’s properties. He rents them out in the evenings.
Occurrences: 4
Location(s): (Nighttime Only!) Limgrave- Warmaster’s Shack, Liurnia of the Lakes- Church of Vows, Caelid- Isolated Merchant’s Shack, Leyndell- Hermit Merchant’s Shack
5. Grafted Scion

Revenge is a dish best served cold, or in the case of Elden Ring, served at -57 degrees.
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Chapel of Anticipation
4. Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
For all intensive purposes this boss is basically a bull. For even more intensive purposes this boss is also crap.
Location(s): Mt. Gelmir- Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite
3. Crucible Knight
Why are you laughing Miyazaki? You gave a Black Knight from Dark Souls a bunch of powerful faith incantations and put him in the first area of the game didn’t you?
Occurrences: 1
Location(s): Limgrave- Stromhill Evergaol
2. Godskin Apostle

He’s like Stretch Armstrong meets Darth Maul meets a wind turbine. (Hide from this input-reading abomination by getting behind the pillars to heal when you can.)
Occurrences: 2
Location(s): Caelid- Divine Tower of Caelid, Altus Plateau- Windmill Village
1. Death Rite Bird
More specifically that Consecrated Snowfields one….. and just when you thought you were ready for the endgame too.
Location(s):( Nighttime Only!) Caelid- Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank, Liurnia of the Lakes- Gate Town North, Mountaintops of the Giants- Stargazer’s Ruins, Consecrated Snowfield- Apostate Derelict