The Surge 2 is a very challenging game, but once you know how everything works, then you will have no problem getting through the game. Compared to the first game, there is just a lot more content added, which makes for a better experience in my book. One main thing that the first game lacked …
Surge 2
Surge 2 has many different ways to eliminate enemies and it does not come short on any weapon that you find. Once you have a weapon, you are free to use it whenever and how long you like. If you really want to, you can actually use 1 weapon the entire time you play if …
The Surge 2 is a very complicated game when it comes to everything you can do in it, so it is important for a new player to know exactly how everything works. All the little ins and outs can be very confusing especially if you have not even played the first Surge. In all honesty, …
If you have ever played the first Surge game, you would know that it was a hit or miss for some people. One person might have liked the progression system, others might not. It is no different in this game because they basically took all the stuff people didn’t like about the first game and …