Elden Ring is one of those games where every time you start a new character, your playthrough will never be the same as your previous one. There are so many builds that you can create in the game that it is insane. Many people want to get into Magic but don’t know if it is a viable option. If you are wondering, it is a great option, even more than FromSoft’s previous games.
Magic is good in Elden Ring because of the selection of Incantations and Sorceries, the far range you have with casting, the amount of build variety; the overpowered builds you can create. It is just as good as any other melee build you can create.
If you didn’t know already, Magic is insane if you can perfect your build. Even if you play Magic, you could even do a melee/magic hybrid build that will also be very viable. You can create many builds that you will be experimenting with for a long time to find your favorite one.
1. The selection of Incantations and Sorceries

There are over 95 Incantations and 60 Sorceries to choose from, and they are all unique with all the different Staffs and Sacred Seals that boost each one. Finding all of them is a challenge in and of itself because there are honestly soo many to choose from. Some are better than others, but that is going to be obvious, seeing how there are so many in the game.
If you don’t understand how to use each one, you can read the descriptions of each one in-game, and it also gives information on how much FP is used. It can be a little overwhelming at first, but once you understand how one works, you know how they all work. All the information is given to you, so it is up to you to determine how each item is used.
2. The far range you get with casting

The range you get with Sorceries, especially, is insane. You can sit on your horse and get spells that home in on your enemies weak spots. If you want to get a good Spell, Rock Sling is insanely overpowered if you have the stats for it. Miracles are also cool, but you usually use those for Healing or Boosting attacks and defense.
If you want to defeat anything from a farther range, Sorceries are your best bet unless you get good with bows and crossbows. Even then, Magic allows you to refill all FP at Sites of Grace and items in your inventory. With Bows and Arrows, you must craft or buy new arrows whenever you run out.
3. The amount of build variety
With the number of Sorceries and Incantations comes a huge variety of builds. You can only keep certain spells equipped once, so you need to think through what you want to use. You might want a build that shoots Glinstone at your enemies. You might want a build that takes advantage of Ranalla’s Moon spells.
You might want a build that boosts your melee weapons and Spirit summons. It is totally up to you. Within each category, you can also do hundreds of builds, making the game insanely replayable. You can best experiment with different builds to know exactly what you want to do for your next playthrough.
4. The overpowered builds you can create

Many people will say that Magic is overpowered, which is sometimes true. You can only make an OP Magic build if you know exactly what spells, equipment, and talismans to equip. There are also some insanely helpful Physick Tears that help with your Magic.
One insanely good spell is called Comet Azur. If you mix a couple of Physick Tears with it and then use it on a boss, you will annihilate that boss, depending on the boss. If you equip certain spell-boosting Talismans with that mix, it makes an extremely overpowered attack. As we said, if you know what to pair with what, you can make some insanely, OP builds.
5. It is just as good as a melee build
If you think a melee build is better than a Magic build, you might want to think again. Yes, melee might be better against some bosses and enemies, but it also works the other way. Magic is a great option, and we recommend that you do it if you are thinking about trying out a Magic build.
Many people say that Magic builds are just as good as Magic builds, maybe even better at times. You don’t need to get close, and if you have the right Talismans, it will be extremely fun to use a Mage class. If you use a build like a Blood build, it will be better than most Mage classes, but if you have a basic melee build, Magic builds are better.