Minecraft has cemented its name in the zeitgeist of gaming by consistently hosting insane numbers of players each month, with some reports saying 140 million monthly active players. This fame is due to a constant influx of YouTubers creating content for this game. The audience is always looking to replicate what their favorite influencer has …
Bloodborne is full of many weapon types, and each weapon requires a certain number of attributes. It can be confusing at first, but once you learn how the scaling works for different weapon types, then you will have a better idea of how your build will be. No matter what you use, there is always …
From Software is known for making extremely challenging but ultimately fair games. Elden Ring is the latest in their long line of critically acclaimed video games. For many journalists and Youtubers, it is the best game they’ve ever played. But is this merely recency bias, or has Elden Ring surpassed the famous Dark Souls series? …
Elden Ring, since its release, has seen a meteoric rise in popularity and has no doubt reached the game of the year category for most players; this game has the timeless relevancy potential embedded in its core that From Software is well-known for. Everybody wants to get their hands on this game, even those new …
Here it is. I have finally compiled my complete rankings for every boss that From Soft has blessed us with over the last 13 years. It was a difficult task and I am sure that some will have big issues with some of my thoughts, but every players experience is completely different in these games …
If this is your first Dark Souls game, it will probably be the most challenging since there are a lot of limitations and downsides to dying. Choosing the best starting class and burial gift will help make Dark Souls Remastered easier for new players. It is extremely important because if you aren’t having fun in …
Minecraft’s sandbox allows players to go crazy and create anything their hearts and mind desire. Some creations boggle the mind and truly showcase the quality of creative liberties this game gives to its players. Some are just there for the spectacle, while others are quite practical in the game world. One such practical creation we …
Elden Ring is filled to the brim with weapons. Usually, weapons with flashy designs and amazing Ash of War are the ones that grab our attention, and the rest of the normal weapons are left to the side when we are picking one for our primary use. Most of the upgraded weapons using the normal …
If you have ever played a Dark Souls game, you will have noticed that there are Covenants that you can join in all the games. They don’t force you to join them; they give you another option to have access to other parts of the game. They are helpful if you want something else to …
The side boss list of Elden Ring is absolutely sprawling with various levels of quality and difficulty. The game boasts well over 130 of them although many of them are exact copies of previous fights and some only minor variations on previous fights. My rankings are based on a few factors. A. How early might …