There were times when Fortnite was hailed as the greatest battle royale title of all time. Thousands of FPS players were flocking into the Fortnite ecosystem just to get a piece of the cake. However, the commotion has long died down and is replaced by sweaty tryhards. So, how did it come to this? People …
Constant grinding in Dark Souls can end up with your inventory getting filled with needless numbers of longswords, battleaxes, hollow armors, etc. On the surface, Dark Souls doesn’t have a clear selling mechanic. However, you could discard the extra weapons but that is not all. In Dark Souls, there is no set limit on the …
When you get to the Fire Giant, you must know you are close to finishing the game. Many challenges are ahead, but you are extremely close to finishing your journey to become the Elden Lord. You might be wondering if there are any consequences for defeating the Fire Giant, and we can’t say too much …
When you start your first playthrough in Elden Ring, it can be very confusing what you are supposed to do. You are thrown into a massive world with very little information; figuring out what to do next is your job. NPCs give you hints on where to go, but they don’t flat-out say exactly what …
The online gaming platform Roblox boasts an astonishing collection of 20 million games created by its users. With this sheer volume of different games avail,able it can seem quite daunting to scour through and find the game that you’re looking for. Here are the top 5 best 1v1 games to play in Roblox: To learn …
Elden Ring, since its launch, has had an array of weapons at its disposal, but players have been flocking to just a few for their effectiveness. Many weapons are pushed to the side because of some small issues in their move set that make it rather unprofitable in the grand scheme of the game. However, …
From Software’s foray into the open-world genre with Elden Ring has born great fruits for the developers as the world they have designed is stunning. Every inch of this fantasy setting is a sight to behold and cherish. With the limitations implemented by the developers, like the 60 FPS limit, etc., people find it hard …
The Titanite Chunk seems like it would be very rare, but it is in fact not that rare at all. You basically need to progress farther into the game, and you will get a whole lot more than the previous upgrade materials. If you are having trouble finding them, hopefully, this article can help you …
When it comes to upgrading your weapons, you will need a ton of upgrade materials. This means trying to find every way possible to get as many of these materials as possible. The next upgrade material you need after the Titanite Shard is the Large Titanite Shard. These are a bit harder to get, but …
There are a ton of weapons to use in Dark Souls 3, and most of them are pretty unique. Whether they are small Daggers or large Swords, there is soo much room for experimentation in the game. You can literally play however you want to, no matter who you are, so if someone tells you …