Lost Ark is no slouch for giving its players various tangible and intangible options. Some of these are amazing to configure, while others have set restraints that force them to move in a straight line of progression. Needless to say, classes belong to the latter. However, this doesn’t make Lost Ark boring. Instead, it lets …
Since its release, Lost Ark has been a major contender for the ARPG throne. However, the competition has long been dominated by titles like Path of Exile or Diablo III. The Korean title’s diverse advanced classes invite you to explore a world of unique classes while the dark fantasy of Wraeclast makes you experience true …
Elden Ring is one of those games that blew many people away with its content when it was finally released in February 2022. If you aren’t a fan of the Dark Souls series, you might enjoy Elden Ring, even though it is not an easy game. The game is insanely popular and will still be …
We have done a few lists of weapons in Elden Ring already, but by far, the most fun weapons you can use in the game are the ones with Bleed. These are great if you want to drain the health of any boss or enemy quickly. These weapons either have a skill that deals Blood …
Elden Ring has a ton of replayability, especially if you enjoy trying out new builds and classes. Every time you play through the game, you can make it as similar or as different as you want, giving these games their charm. One really good build you can create in Elden Ring are Faith Builds. These …
Elden Ring has hundreds of weapons. The downside of having soo many weapons is there are bound to be a ton of bad weapons. Surprisingly, there aren’t too many weapons that are just outright terrible. You would be surprised by how many weapons are viable in the game. When we are referring to a bad …
Most people who start playing a FromSoft game, especially if it is their first one, always wonder if there is a recommended level for anything. Yes, to a point, there is, but veterans of the genre will say that it is mostly up to your skill level. When it comes to Elden RIng, it is …
If you didn’t know, FromSoft games always add an optional playthrough option called NG+. This is starting the game all over again, but with some exceptions. The bosses and enemies are harder, but you can keep everything you found in the previous playthrough. The most important thing is to collect and explore as much as …
There are a lot of secrets to find in Elden Ring, and one massive one is the giant Walking Mausoleums around the world. If you don’t know what they are, they allow you to duplicate remembrances from defeating certain important bosses. A few seem impossible to defeat, but there are ways to do it. To …
Elden RIng has some serious bosses in the game; if you aren’t prepared for them, you will have a hard time. If you are struggling, you can leave the boss and return later That is the best part of this game. One question that many new players to the genre have is if the bosses …