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How To Get and Use Keycards in Rust

How To Get and Use Keycards in Rust

When exploring the world of Rust, you might come across what looks like a locked door in a Monument. The only way for you to get inside these doors in Rust is if you complete a small objective and find a keycard.

Keycards can be found in certain places, and you can use them to open doors. The only downside to this is that each card is rare, and getting them can sometimes be challenging.

Each of the respective Keycards is available in particular areas in the game or is looted from certain sources like Scientists or Large Crates. Once you have them on you, you must take them to their color-specific locked doors and complete the Fuse puzzle while fighting any incoming enemies.


When the puzzle is finished, use the keycard to open the door and get your hands on the loot.

Keycards in Rust

Keycards in Rust

Each card is rare, with Green being the easiest to get and Red being the hardest. Blue is in the middle, so if you are going to get the Keycards, I will start with the Green cards.

There are 3 types of doors that you can open, and each is opened with its respective Keycard color. Make sure you do everything right, or else the door will not open for you when you finally use the card on the door. Here is an explanation of all the Keycards.

Monument Puzzles

Monument puzzles in Rust
Source: Rust Wiki

These puzzles must be completed before using any Keycard on a door, but it is difficult. The Green Monument Puzzles are the easiest to complete but require you to flip a few switches around the Monument and place a Fuse inside a Fuse Box.

You can then go and open the Green door with your Keycard. The Blue Monument Puzzles are kind of hard to complete because the area in which you must complete the puzzle is a lot bigger than normal.

It consists of turning on more power, and Fuse switches so you can open the door. It is a lot harder than Green because there is more stuff you have to do for it.

The Red Monument Puzzles are the hardest to complete because they are the biggest puzzles to complete in the game.

Not only are you running around in a high-radiation area, but you are also in an area with many Scientists trying to kill you simultaneously. Even though the Red Doors are very hard to get into, the loot you get is worth your time and effort in the end.

Green Doors / Green Keycards

Green keycard.png
Source: Rust Wiki

Green Doors are the easiest to get into and give you some items that help get you into the next tiered door. There are a total of 7 Monuments where you can find these Green Keycards:

  • Lighthouse
  • Oxum’s Gas Station
  • Abandoned Supermarket
  • Abandoned Cabins
  • Junkyard
  • Oil Rig
  • Large Oil Rigs

Green Keycards can occasionally be looted from the following locations.

  • Military Tunnel Scientists
  • Roaming Scientists
  • Cargo Ship Scientists
  • Large Crates

Green Keycards can be used to open locked doors at the following locations. Notes that all of them will require a fuse to complete the puzzle to gain entry.

  • Satellite Dish Array
  • Both Harbors
  • Sewer Branch
  • Power Plant

The puzzles are very simple to get into the Green Doors and are a good way to get some decent loot at the beginning of your adventure.


If you wear a Radiation suit the entire time you do any Monument Puzzle in the game, you will be safe from Radiation. Still, you should keep some Radiation Pills and Healing items if anything happens.

Blue Doors / Blue Keycards

Blue Keycards in Rust
Source: Rust Wiki

Blue Doors are the medium puzzles in the game because it has the perfect loot for an average player. These Blue Cards can be found:

  • Sewer Branch
  • Satellite Dish
  • Harbor

You can also purchase a Blue Keycard at an Outpost for 100 Scrap if you want to do that. Once you have a Blue Keycard, you may open the Blue Doors once you complete the Puzzle before.

These Blue doors will be present at Tier 2 monuments:

  • Water Treatment Plant
  • Train Yard
  • Airfield
  • Power Plant
  • Arctic research base
  • Underwater lab

All you have to do is try to power the door with electricity, and you may swipe the card and steal the loot. Remember that while trying to complete the puzzles, an enemy may be waiting in the shadows to kill you and take everything you have and the loot inside the door.

Always be cautious of your surroundings because you could lose everything you have.

Red Doors / Red Keycards

Red Keycards in Rust
Source: Rust Wiki

Red Doors are the hardest door to get into because of the dangers and all you need to do to get in. The Red Cards can be found very rarely on Scientists or:

  • Water Treatment Plant
  • Airfield
  • Power Plant
  • Train Yard

You can use the Red Keycard in the following locations:

  • Military Tunnels
  • Launch Site
  • Small Oil Rig
  • Large Oil Rig
  • Underwater Labs

You can get lucky if another player is selling it at the Bandit Camp, but it is up to them to how much people can buy it for. Remember that whenever you use a Keycard on a locked door to open it, it takes damage and is not infinite, so be cautious of how and when you use it.


The reason the Red Doors are soo hard to get into is that you need all three Keycards actually to open up the Red Doors. Also, you will need a Fuse to complete every Monument Puzzle to reroute the power to the door you want to open.

Remember that to get a Red Card, you have to complete many puzzles before it. Do not expect to open up a Red Door as soon as you start the game.

What Does Each Door Give You?

give you
Source: Rust Wiki

Each of the doors has a certain amount of loot hidden behind them. If you can get the door open, then you can take everything that is inside. It is not easy to get into each one, but it is worth it. Here is what is behind each of the doors:

Green Doors – These doors contain 1-4 Normal Crates and a Blue Keycard in each one

Blue Doors – These doors contain 6-9 Normal Crates with a possibility for a Military Crate and a Red Key Card in each one.

Red Doors – These doors contain 2-3 Elite Crates, 2-3 Military Crates, and 2-3 Normal Crates.

How Many Monuments Have These Locked Doors?

Monuments and Keycards in Rust
Source: Rust Wiki

There are 4 Monuments with a Green Door: Satellite Dish, Harbor 1, Harbor 2, and Sewer Branch. These have Easy Puzzles.

There are 4 Monuments with a Blue Door: Power Plant, Airfield, Trainyard, and Water Treatment Plant. These have Medium Puzzles.

There are 2 Monuments with a Red Door: Launch Site and Military Tunnels. These have Hard Puzzles. Each of these Monuments has puzzles to complete and loot for you to get at the end. Ensure you are also looting the surrounding area for extra loot.

Is Getting in Worth It?

the time
Source: Rust Wiki

Well, you could just play through the game while only using the natural areas for loot, but you can only get the extent of the items you would be getting if you risked a lot to get into one of these doors.


When you have all three of the Keycards, something about it makes you want to try and get to the Red Doors. All I am saying is if you want a rush of adventure and danger, then you should at least try to get into the Monuments and get the good loot, it is the least you could do.


In conclusion, the Keycard system is a really good addition to Rust. It helps you figure more out and makes you feel better about putting the time in to get the loot.

If you play Rust and have not tried to get into the doors, I highly recommend doing so to get better loot and unlock new blueprints. Just make sure you unlock a blueprint before using it because it could be gone, and you have to find another one of those items.