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Elden Ring is a huge experience that just keeps growing the more you go out of your way to explore the world. The utter grandness of this game feels like magic rather than just basic game design and development. You can maximize your first playthrough by indulging in much of the content you can access …

Read More about What Should You Do in Elden Ring After You Beat The Game?

Piglins are a relatively new addition to Minecraft since their Nether update. This was a massive update because it gave more reason to explore the Nether. There is much more to the Nether, from the new fortresses to the new biomes. Piglins came with this new update and updated versions of the Zombie Pigmen. Piglins …

Read More about Why Do Piglins Attack You in Minecraft?

Elden Ring is not perfect, and it does have a few occasions when it comes to glitches and crashes. It happens on consoles and PC, so if you get the game, don’t be angry when it happens. If a crash does happen, don’t worry. It won’t corrupt your files and will drop you in the …

Read More about Stuck on a Loading Screen in Elden Ring: 2 Obvious Fixes

Elden Ring is home to some of the most unique and powerful weaponry in gaming, and it’s safe to assume that many of them will be reaching legendary status in the zeitgeist of this industry. With many weapon types and move sets within each type, there are basic weapons’ to their eccentric varieties. The choice …

Read More about Best Eldens Ring Melee Weapons Per Category (Ranked)

From Software games are filled with death and despair, and rarely do you get to see some friendly faces that are welcoming and, best of all, do not speak in cryptic mumbo jumbo. There is always a sense of dread when speaking to an NPC, wondering whether they will turn against you, and we have …

Read More about What Happens If You Attack Iji The Friendly Giant in Elden Ring?

Players who like to experience everything a game has to offer are usually getting burned in Elden Ring and in general, all From Software games. As there is no hand-holding and marker system, you are free to progress or, in most cases, left to fumble into progressive steps in a particular NPC’s questline. This optional …

Read More about What Happens if You Help Yura Defeat Dragon Agheel in Elden Ring?