Now this is a boss fight that will be remembered through the ages. Lady Maria of The Astral Clocktower is a supercharged Hunter in Bloodborne. The beginning of the fight is relatively easier and ends with a blazing bloody bang literally. Do not take this corpse lightly for she is an apex predator even after …
The Living Failures are the bosses right before Lady Maria’s boss fight in the Old Hunters DLC in Bloodborne. These deformed Celestial Emissaries are easier individually, but you can easily get overwhelmed since there are so many of them. Even so, this boss pails in comparison to the monstrosities you have already fought so far. …
Ludwig The Holy Blade was a legendary warrior and the first DLC boss in Bloodborne. You read about his bravery in the base game but he is not present in it. You later fight him in The Old Hunters expansion and finally witness what he has become. He is amongst the podium of the most …
Mergo’s Wet Nurse is the last boss in Bloodborne you have to face outside of the Hunter’s Dream. Defeating her will initiate the ending sequence of the game so make sure you check off everything after beating her. As for the boss fight itself, she is not worthy of her placement. A surprisingly easy fight …
The Celestial Emissary shouldn’t be considered a boss in Bloodborne in my opinion. He’s more like a mini-boss if you want to give it a label. The boss is optional and is just a roadblock of sorts to the real boss, Ebrietas, who’s right through the giant window in the arena. Related: Ranking the Bloodborne …
Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos is another optional boss right after Celestial Emissary boss fight in Bloodborne. You need to break the huge church window in the Celestial Emissary boss arena to gain access to this boss. Ebrietas is an insanely hard boss and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Related: Ranking the Bloodborne Bosses by Difficulty …
Amygdala is an optional boss in Bloodborne found in the easily missable Nightmare Frontier. You must have witnessed her lesser brethren while traversing the world but now it is time to face the nightmare itself. Let me come out and say first that this boss is nowhere near as challenging as she looks. Related: Ranking …
Martyr Logarius is a completely missable boss in Bloodborne, found in the optional Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. This undead protector is no slouch. This boss fight was the first time I had to summon the help of a random stranger cause Logarius owned me every time we came face to face. Related: Ranking the Bloodborne Bosses …
Shadow of Yharnam, or more accurately Shadows, is a trio boss fight in Bloodborne. They are not an optional boss, you have to defeat them to progress to Byrgenwerth. The potential of them ganging up on you makes this one of the more difficult bosses in the game. Not to mention, their transformations ramp up …
The Adjudicator in Demon’s Souls is another boss-level threat that you will be wiping from existence while fighting the deadly demonic plague. This is going to be one of the easier ones to take down if you know how to master the shadows in the art of war. This fight is very odd, but if …