Elden Ring is a FromSoft game, so many people compare it to its previous titles. If you have played any of the Souls games, you will know that multiplayer is one of the oddest implementations of any game. You have to write your summon sign on the ground while you activate specific items, and you …
If you have been a fan of any FromSoft game, you will know there has never been any crossplay with any of its games. If they add a crossplay mode, then great, but there is a lot of time needed to implement it into any game. A game this big is not an easy game …
Adventuring and dying go hand in hand in all of FromSoftware’s titles, but what makes them unique is their style of exploration and pathfinding. There are plenty of surprises still left undiscovered in the original Dark Souls. Blighttown is an arduous area filled with lots of thorny paths and evil monsters. However, the journey to …
There is a multitude of methodologies to ruin opponents’ day in Rust. However, nothing can get close to beating the BM that comes with using Satchel Charges. Don’t get us wrong, they’re good! But how do they fare against a Tool Cupboard? Satchel Charge is a try or die method that feels great when it …
The expansive sandbox of Minecraft houses many unique creatures and mobs. Most such creatures are found naturally in specific biomes. Slime is a mob that waits to attack any enemy it sees. It lunges at them and refuses to let go until it gets what it wants. These persistent little fellows can be a point …
Elden Ring is full of secrets. If you have been following the game’s lore, you will know that new things are being discovered daily, and there is still much to uncover. The game is soo massive that it will probably take years to find everything hidden in the game world. A question many people might …
Arcane in Elden Ring is similar to the Luck stat in the Dark Souls games, but it adds more. There are a lot of attributes in Elden Ring to worry about, but one majorly overlooked one is Arcane. There are a ton of weapons and Incantations that use Arcane, and some need a lot. One …
Elden Ring is full of questlines and NPCs to find. Completing some of these questlines allows players to unlock hidden Elden Ring endings. One odd questline in the game is Sorceress Sellen’s questline. After finishing it, you might ask one question: Why does Sellen transform and turn hostile at the end of her quest line? …
Elden Ring has a ton of weapons to choose from, and by far, Bleed is one of the most fun weapons to choose from. Most enemies are weak to it, which drains the health of everything you fight. One question that a lot of people ask is if Bleed scales with Arcane in Elden Ring. …
Elden Ring is one of those games where every time you start a new character, your playthrough will never be the same as your previous one. There are so many builds that you can create in the game that it is insane. Many people want to get into Magic but don’t know if it is …