Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the first Lego game we have played in a while that passed all of our expectations. From the graphics to the gameplay, you can’t argue that it is by far the best Lego game that has come out. Yes, the older games are nostalgic, but from a gameplay …
Elden RIng has a ton of side quests to find and complete, and some are much longer than others. Some might have you go and find an item for a person, and others might have you do multiple steps just to complete it. It is up to you to figure out what to do next, …
There are many reasons why you might be dying in FromSoft titles. Whether you are new to the soul-like genre or a veteran, you will die no matter how much experience you have. There are soo many enemies in these games that you are bound to be bad at fighting at least a couple. If …
Minecraft is full of small mechanics that are surprising people to this day. They are constantly updating the game and adding things people like and hate. We miss the old days of Minecraft, where there weren’t even caves. The world was just a massive block that you just dug through. One mechanic that is not …
There are six classes currently available to aspiring Fatemakers. Whether you wish to be a tenacious frost-infused Brr-Zerker or a Spellshot that bombards enemies with spells from afar, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has a class for just about anyone. One of the most remarkable aspects of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is that each class is utterly unique …
The ecosystem of Fortnite is a great place to be in. You get to hear someone rambling on about the new no-building mode while your random teammates start ranting about how he’s so good that he should’ve been the winner for the last Champion’s League. However, these are not the main reasons why Fortnite is …
With Season of the Splicer doing strong, Destiny 2 has been hard at work at releasing new content and updates. Known previously as the [REDACTED] Engram, the Season of the Splicer has blessed us with the return of Umbral Engrams. These Engrams can be picked from any activity present in the world and can be …
Creepers are by far the most annoying enemy you run into when exploring the overworld, besides the Witches. If you are just messing around in your base and go outside for a couple of seconds, you will most likely lose a wall on your base if there is a Creeper near you. It can be …
Minecraft is full of all types of mobs, but one of the most annoying can be the Spiders. Not only can the Cave Spiders poison you, but they can climb up almost any wall or structure. This can be frustrating if you are trying to get to safety or just want to escape from those …
If you have played Minecraft before, you will know that Enchanting will give you some of the best stuff in the game. Not only does it help you get more stuff from anything, but it also makes your tools last longer. You can even get Enchantments that deal fire damage to enemies. There are so …